Good day everyone one, am very happy to be in the midst of everyone to present a story titled ''DON'T ACT WHEN YOU ARE ANNOYED"
It was on Sunday evening when Mr and Mrs Peter were advising their children on moral behaviours, educating them on the right ethics. Their 2 children ( Loveth and Henry) were happy each time their parents talk to them concerning their behaviours and how to interact with their friends. Henry the second child and the only son always pray for Sunday to come
quickly because he gists his friends in the class everything his dad says in the weekend.
As time passes on, Henry was in class 6 secondary School i.e exam class where he needs to get secondary School certificate but something happened along the way. On the deadline for the registration, there was a girl called Blessing (Henry's best friend) , she came to tell him (Henry) that she won't participate in the upcoming exams. She stated the reason that her parents can't afford it now because they just sacked her dad in his working place and only her mother is the bread winer in the family now and her savings couldn't meet up the whole expenses in the family.
Blessing also told Henry that her mother had been running helter skelter for weeks on how to realize her school fees .
Henry was perplexed on hearing what she said and became confused on what to do. Out of generosity and magnanimity,he went home immediately to beg his parents for money. But on reaching home, he found no one in the house, he went immediately to where his parents normally keep money. ( Henry taught in his mind that he will tell his parents when he returns back to school). He took the exact money for the school fees of his friend and went to school immediately . He gave the money to Blessing for her to pay the exam fees /school fees . She was so happy for the money Henry brought for her the fees. She proceeded to the school bursary for the payment. After then , Blessing promised Henry that her mother will reward him handsomely for making her not to repeat a year. Henry helped Blessing because of the preachings and sermons the father always inculcate in them. Secondly Blessing made a promise that her mother will bring or double the money Henry gave her by the end of the month once
her mother is paid.
When Mr and Mrs Peter came back from work, they found out that the door wasn't closed as they left it . Out of suspicious, they went to check the money they kept to buy foodstuffs in the market during the weekend. On reaching there, they found little money left. In there mind , they taught that nothing will make their children to collect their money without any prior notice. Out of annoyance, Mrs Peter and her husband came to the sun and started CAUSING the person that took the money.
In the evening when everyone was at home, Mr Peter told their children that a pilfer ( thief) made away with some of the money they dropped for food shopping. Immediately Henry remembered it and told they that he was the one that took the money. He told them the reasons and how he will collect the money back. Mr and Mrs Peter started crying that they have killed their only son and they would have waited for their children to come back first . Henry couldn't fathom what his parents meant by ''killed their son". They told Henry that they caused the thief without knowing that they actually caused their intelligent and smart son. They started cancelling the causes they made on him .
As years , months, weeks and days pass on , Henry graduated as the first class in department of Business administration but he couldn't find a job. He searched for extra 8 years but he couldn't find a pet job talk more of nice Job or his profession.
One afternoon when he was obambulating in the main road, a Pastor stopped him and told him that darkness is following him and he should come to his ministry on Sunday for deliverances and prayers. He blessed him and gave him the address . Henry agreed because he had no choice than to run to GOD.
On that Sunday morning the Pastor prayed fervently and told him his problem. The Pastor said that your late parents didn't remember to cancel the one cause they made in the sun and because of that , you will never make it where ever you go so far the sun rises. Henry was given one week dry fasting and prayers for his deliverances . On the last day he was totally delivered and set free.
Just one week after his deliverance, a company where he summited his CV ( certificate) called him that he had been given a job in the company. Less than 3years , Henry was a well known multi- billionaire 💸💸 in his community. THE END .
To all mothers and fathers , causing a child is not the best thing to do when a child misbehaves whether the child is yours or not, Just know that the child you are causing is someone's child. Please 🙏🙏🙏 let's us do the right thing at the right time.
Thanks for your understanding💓
@ablegod cares