How to join #500wordsaday on HIVE.

in 500 Words a day5 years ago


Welcome to #HIVE

Some of you know what #Hive is and some of you might not.

Hive is a social media eco-system that allows you to own your blog and content while earning cryptocurrency. This happens through users voting your content up or down with their stake. Hive also hosts various games and apps that run alongside the blogging sites and all link to your hive account.

That is the technical answer.

Simple answer is that Hive lets you own your own blog and earn small bits of hive cryptocurrency. This is the part that we will be focusing on.

Hive gives people the opportunity to create and own your own blog without having to go through all of the stages of buying a domain and setting up hosting and a WordPress site. If you already have a WordPress site then it can even be linked into your Hive account and will post to the chain as well.

The other advantage to posting onto Hive is your ownership of the account and wallet. You own the keys to it and there is no centralized company to take it away from you or censoring your site if they do not like the content. Hive is censorship resistant and your wallet is owned by you.

Not owned by youtube, twitter, reddit and subject to their rules and regulations.

We are building a strong community here and would like to see even more interesting and active users joining and posting onto their blogs. Part of being active involves joining vibrant communities which is why I have started the #500wordsaday community to get people posting and interacting with each other.

What is #500wordsaday?

It is exactly what the name suggests. It is the challenge to all authors or bloggers out there to write 500 words every day and become active writers. I am inviting anybody reading this to join the #500wordsaday community and become active writers on their very own #hive based blog.

All of the best people in their fields start by practicing over and over again until they perfect their craft. It doesn't matter whether that is writing, music, sports, coding ect.

Practice makes perfect has always been a consistent truth in life which makes challenges like this a good base for anybody wanting to get writing.

I would love to see hundreds of users posting ever day and in turn reading, commenting and voting on others posts as well. A community is only as good as the people within it. Good people and good community members create a thriving group in which others can them join and prosper.

It wont happen overnight but with consistent effort over time I will try to grow this community into the thriving and vibrant group that I can see in my head.

There are no huge restrictions on what you can post to the community. I like to keep things simple and the only rules so far are:

  • All content must be original.
  • Post must be over 500 words.
  • Max one post per day.
  • No cross posting from other communities.
  • You must be respectful to other members.

On this last point, I don't mind controversial content as I feel that everybody should be allowed their opinion but I won't accept threatening or abusive comments towards other users.

In terms of what you can write about. There are no rules on content.
Write about:

  • Stories
  • Blogs
  • Peotry
  • Opinions
  • Rants
  • Lessons
  • History

Make it fun and interesting. Part of following a writer is getting to know more about them, so thoughts and blogs are always interesting to follow as we get an insight in other community members and what they add to our daily lives. There are no restrictions here other than trying to post 500 words on a daily basis in what ever form works for you.

How can I join the community?


While some people do feel that it's complicated getting into #web3 sites like, it is still a lot simpler than hosting and setting up your own blogging site.

There are a few steps to get set up but nothing that is very complicated.

#500wordsaday community:
To join #hive and the

When you sign up to hive using the hiveonboard link, you will be given a set of keys. This is where most people find it daunting to get started. It will look something like this.

Hive Username: hiveuserx

Owner Key: 5JJxk19BDHoJtj4p3FCz4zEeboN6ENsP9eMZzFvfFTQ9Ln1rz
Active Key: 5JrVLXMATvBToFCQvivc5VjN7V9QcRkCjxWLF6VskBefayUuL
Posting Key: 5Jf9VyExyuwhHukKirhN7ej7rRMDQNHAqN2FQDhvG5yEoGPnDjM
Memo Key: 5JWMVF8zX4SASweNtXK7Bnf69gDeed7wMKzFtSY6zGF93YUUg

Backup (Master) Password: nvy8vaaPcAsbyNRX5bps1EoVWsve2v

You will not need them often but it is good to have the posting and active keys nearby as they are the most common ones. Your master password is your emergency backup and should be kept safely offline after this initial set up.

The best thing to do is download Hive keychain through the link above.

Ref: Keychain extension

When it is downloaded,

  • Create a simple password for using it.
  • Click the three bars in the top right of the keychain and add account.
  • Click the use keys/pwd option.
  • Enter your username that you signed up with and use the master password which will add all of the keys at once.

Hive is a social blockchain which has been developed over the past 4 years and added lots of different interfaces for content producers and content consumers to spend time and interact over the different apps. Apps which are all linked to the eco-system and to your wallet for ease of use.

Hive keychain is used by the majority of apps so it is a very handy tool for moving over and back between different hive interfaces.

For ease of use I suggest writing on as it has the best set up but there are many other options out there.

So that's it really.
Sign up to hive. Download the keychain and join the community on All thats left now is to get writing your 500 words and become a part of the community. Can't wait to read all about it.

Please try to share on twitter as well with the tags,

So that we can try to bring in more users and build the community. #hive #500wordsaday #writing

You can contact me here in the comments or also:
On Discord: niallon11#6392
On twitter:

With any questions or if you would like to get involved with the community. I would like to see this become more than just a one man mission to get people actively writing. I want to see a community effort.


this is good news for me maybe I will join

Hope to see you taking part. Everything starts small but with a few dedicated writers we can see it grow exponentially.

I’ll be introducing HIVE to new people in the coming weeks.

I’ll make they join #500wordsaday community

That's great. I'll be commenting and curating on the community anyway so that should hopefully keep them posting and get them into the habit of blogging every day.

I will be part of this.

That's great. Glad to have you onboard.

Very good idea. I have joined the community and I'll try to post here everyday. Cheers.

Brilliant. Glad to have you and hopefully we can get a lot more users over time to add to the group and get interested in writing daily.

I saw @nathanmars twitter post and i am here. I already started writing a book and i ordinarily challenge my self to write 500 words as much as I can, this community makes it much easier. I am going to subscribe and start sharing. thank you for the opportunity

I already started writing a book

I'm so happy to hear.

Welcome to #500wordsaday

Thank you Nathan 😊

That would be great to see. I would love to see a page or chapter being posted to the community every day. Something that we could follow along with and be able to help shape as you progress it. I used to use wattpadd exclusively for work like this before hive and think it is a great use for the community.

amazing. Wattpad sounds awesome. my work is pretty slow, its kind of like a long term project, my memoir, but I would be sharing snippets and also new articles for sure.

It was a great app for amateur writers. Post one chapter at a time and build a following while you do. Lots for users to read and comment on. If I had the skills i would build a copy for hive and try to bring over a lot of the users as most of them just post or read content daily. It's all they do.

Let me encourage those of you joining ... once you start consistently writing your 500 words a day, you will see your skills improving and your support and network growing ... and you will start to catch the eye of the many parties that reward quality and consistency quite well. This community did not exist when I was starting out, so you ALREADY have an advantage on me -- don't miss it! Get into the HIVE and get started on your 500 words a day, and KEEP GOING. You will be glad that you did!

I need this to improve my writing, so from Monday upward I will try to make a post