For the umpteenth time I had failed. My efforts to help him had been in vain. When I entered the therapy room, his body hung motionless from a rope tied to the ceiling.His glassy eyes watched me with a mixture of apology and release.
I dropped to my knees, helpless in the face of this recurring outcome. Why did every man I fell in love with end up like this? Jonathan, Mike, Zack... an endless litany of tragedies.
This time the pain was more intense. We had connected on a deeper level. I was beginning to hope that he would pull through, that we would overcome his demons together.
I shuddered as I remembered his last words:
-‘I'm sorry, the voices are too loud... I can't take it anymore, -and he sealed his fate with a bitter kiss on my lips.
As the heart-rending screams echoed down the corridor, I could only sink my face into my hands and sob.
I am a psychiatric nurse in love with unsalvageable patients. I cursed my eternal bad luck in love in bitter tears.