Unsuccessful salvage



The captain looks apprehensively at the dark hull of the old ship emerging from the fog. The salvage crew boards the derelict vessel, their footsteps echoing on the deserted deck.

Suddenly, a piercing scream breaks the silence. The captain rushes to the source and finds one of his men lying in a pool of blood, his eyes glazed and terrified. There is no sign of the attacker.

All around him, doors slam shut and spectral shadows creep into corners. He feels an unearthly chill seep into his bones. The ship's vengeful spirits have awakened.

The crew flees in madness, but it is too late. One by one they fall, victims of unseen forces. He stumbles upon an old diary and the pieces begin to fall into place: a heinous massacre occurred on this ship decades ago.

He hides in the hold, the screams of his shipmates echoing in his ears. Outside, tormented souls clamour for more blood.

The captain trembles, clutching a crucifix. There is only one way to survive: he must purge the old ship of its demons forever.