We humans are not weak or fragile, we have enormous possibilities inside ourselves. No matter, what do you feel inside you, no matter what are the living conditions get going in your country or community, you must try even harder to succeed and try even better next time to bring out the best results in your lives.
Look, from the starting phase of our life, the time when we were born, we came to a new world endowed with difficulties & challenges. At the beginning, we came to this earth with a strong motif, with a new hope that we must carry forward our life in a positive way, with a strong wind of meaningfulness in life.
Life itself is a gift. What do you think of it is? How Its should be lived?
Who should be taken cared of in our life?
I know, Life shouldn’t be measured in a same scale. Not every conditions be alike with each other, life's scenarios dont match with each other, we all live a different lives, we all fight different battles with different names, but the fighting is a sure thing to be happened in life.
Just like Hitler’s quote goes,
" Life is War, War is Universal ".
So, I think you all got the theme of todays discussion. I want to share one of my important thoughts with you.
Its about never giving up in life, its about raising awareness in our mind that, the fight that we carry forward in our life has a certain meaning.
Whatever, the life's condition is, we need to find success through the battles we fight every single day, every bit of pain inside us, the bleeding of heart must pay off, and we have to gather strength to pursue our career and project unto the last days of our victory, until the day when the battle ends,we have to wait for the arrival of the victory day.
_I say everyday, what defines you?
What specialises you? What sets you apart from others?
_My mind says, your perseverance, your guts, your determination, your never giving up,your stubbornness, your "Believer "attitude.
Look, people all around us arent all the same. They have distinction, they have diversity, someone of them will support you, someone will motivate you to build your future up ahead,
One the other hand, some people will tear you down, demotivate you, act like an obstacle to your Goal.
Its all the same everywhere in life, in every country & in every community.
In Football match, you have teammates who will support you & assist you to achieve winning goals, on the other hand, opponents team players will break you down, foul you,
will act like a barrier, not to score goals.
In Football or in Life, its all the same.
So, the most important thing is this, you have to perform your part mostly.
Dont be confused or embarrassed with the fear of what might people say about me or what would be the result of doing this or that?
You are going to be a Champion, if you persist unto the end, or else nothing will happen, your life would be static and without progress....
Now, choice is yours... 👍