Today I finished 800 Promote Fans Club missions and got FC35 Super Poster card. I am 29th RSG player who got this card. It is not to stragne getting this card because it gives out Fans Club after certain missions. The strange thing is the card itself.

As you can see in the above image this card is downloadable. I downlaoded it and see what is inside the card. There are many cards within it. I will show you zoom verysion of this card. I think every cards they print out before reasing this card are included in this card.

This is a poster card that contains every card in the game. This is really amazing. I also want to talk about Starbits:StarPro liquidity pool. This pool itself is located in Beeswap. You can follow this link to reach this pool. It will cost you slightly over 50k Starbits for 1 StarPro.

Starbits price is a little bit up so bidding for StarPro will be reduced. Now bid becomes slightly over 200 Starbits. For me swapping in Beeswap is much cheaper. Do not believe just make your calculation.

I spend 30k Starbits and got 0.57 StarPro. I got 0.19 StarPro for every 10k Starbits I bidded. If you burn 10k Starbits and got lower than this then I want to recommend you to use Beeswap .

Thanks for reading my post.
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Complex 😅