Yes I killed her! I don't feel sorry, in fact, I am so excited!

Heliose is the trending monster at the moment, you can only get it at the ongoing auction and only 100 of this monster would be minted, which means it is a rare card, and not everyone is going to own one.
The price at the Auction is in the range of 1000 000 dec above so it is not cheap and it is not going below 1m dec in my opinion, I believe the whales who have bought above 1m will make sure of that so get ready to get your Heloise at that range too.
Only Vettev is lucky so far to get it for 1 050 000 Dec which is the cheapest so far, others paid more for it as you can see in the screenshot above and yea you can also see the list of accounts that own Heloise so don't be surprised when they use it to bully you in battle, Heliose is a big bully but not undefeatable...I just killed it lol, but I will admit I got lucky, it is not easy to defeat her especially if the user did not spam it and use it in a befitting ruleset.
Only Cryptomancer owns the Gold foil of this card and he put in a huge amount of money to get it, I feel it is too much though but then it is the second auction of the gold that will determine if he overpaid or not, it gets interesting from here forward.
The first time I saw this card in action, I thought it was the end of the world for those without it because it is overpowered, if you kill her, you are in trouble because of her counter-attack, and it will always resurrect until all the monsters on her team have the weary debuff.
Heloise has 4 amazing abilities and 2 out of the 4 were specially designed for her because only she possessed the 2...
The first ability is the Taunt
ability and it is not new to all Splinterland players, it indicates that all attacks from the opponent will be directed to her, and only monsters with scattershot are exempted, so with this ability, means opponents need to defeat Heloise before they can start attacking the other monsters in the team and Heloise is not a monster that can be easily, I will explain the reason when I get to the ability that made it hard to defeat.
The second ability is well known too as Opportunity
which makes her target the monster with the lowest health on the opponent's team, she was designed to eliminate!
It gets interesting with the third ability, Spite is a new ability and this gives Heliose the ability to counter-attack when she is eliminated by the opponent card, it means if you eliminate her, she will counter-attack the monster that killed her with her full power and 8 melee attack is huge so the only way you can escape a fatal damage is if the killer has forcefield, armor or shield
to reduce the damage.
The last ability is Soul siphon, this ability is what made it possible for Heloise to resurrect but it comes at a cost, with every resurrection, one of her team members will suffer the weary debuff and also lose 50 percent of their health until all of them possess this negative stat, she will keep resurrecting but I think it is worth it.
So y'all curious to see where I killed Heloise?
I relied upon Olivia of the Brook to win this battle because of her mimic
ability but she was the first to die in the battle and Heloise was the one that killed her!
My lineup was strong too even with the unexpected appearance of Heloise so I was hopeful I stood a chance at winning so I watched the battle with keen eyes and how things unfolded... Heloise had a miss against Meriput magician
once but she still ends up eliminating it making 2 monsters that Heloise has taken from me.
She also eliminated Adelade Brightwing
and that was the last monster she killed in my team before she disappeared forever as there was no more monster without the weary stats in her team.
The important detail here now is that Heloise is gone but she made the team weak with the weary stat so they were already tired and could not attack me which made it easy for the rest of my team still alive to finish them off easily!
Click on the battle link to watch the battle, it is fun.

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All pictures are gotten from Splinterlands lore and game

Just call me Burl.
I am a professional gamer, motivational speaker and a crypto enthusiast
Discord: burlarj#8326
Twitter id: burlarj1
Telegram: burlarj
God exists, I am a living testimony
Giving up is not an option, every hustler has a payday
Don't wish for it, Make it happen

Every time we beat our opponent in the game, there is much more happiness when we win the game after that, all these interesting things make us play the game and pass our time well.
this was one of a kind win, that Heloise is hard to destroy
I can read and sense the joy in this post
Congratulations on your win
Definitely watching this battle!!!
Thanks for sharing! - @zallin

Good Work, thanks for sharing!