How can you say whether you have found what you need?

But the answer that immediately came to mind was: if you feel happy and fulfilled, enjoy life in general, and spend most of your time, including work time, in a professional environment.

Including work time, you may have found what you want.
However, when it comes to working, if you are doing what you love, you will never work again.

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I've thought about this a lot and have come to the following conclusions.

First, if you can achieve what you want and get to the point where you've always wanted to be, you'll know it. If you feel good about yourself and what you've accomplished in your life after working hard to get where you are, if you wake up every morning with the will to face the day, and if you're satisfied with your life as a whole, then you've almost certainly found what you want.

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But what if you've achieved everything you wanted and still feel unhappy?

This question is more important than the original question.

The short answer is that you expected to discover what you wanted.

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Let's say you set goals, made plans, took action, and achieved them. Now you're where you always wanted to be, only to find that you're not as happy or feeling as good as you'd hoped. It can also be much worse than being unhappy.

It is not an unusual situation that happens to many people. Many people's lives are moving in a direction they don't want. For example, let's say your father is a successful lawyer who runs a family law practice (you can choose any profession), just like his father and grandfather before him.

Even if you are a talented pianist and want to make music your profession, you could easily find yourself in a situation where you have little chance of pursuing a career other than the family tradition.

Many other people almost inevitably find themselves in a profession. It may happen without them choosing a particular job; they may drift in a specific direction. Others marry and start a family at a young age because friends or relatives do because they believe it is expected of them or simply because it seems to be the right thing to do.

Events and life, in general, happen to many people. Their lives take one direction or another without their active contribution. In these situations, it is possible to set goals, make plans, and work hard to achieve success and financial security, no matter what position you find yourself in. It is how to make the most of what life has to offer.

However, many people are still looking for true happiness and are satisfied with where or how they end up, even if they are free from want.

It is because they are not doing what they want to do in life. But unfortunately, most people never really consider what is most important to them and what they would like their life to be.

If we take the time to think about and understand our values, the basic things most important to us, we can make a big difference in our lives. It will also help us define our goals: what makes us happy and what we want to achieve.

Clarifying our values helps us understand what is most important to us. When we think about and determine what we most want to achieve, it should be easy to set goals and plan to achieve them. Then, if they are our own goals and not something that is expected of us or imposed on us, and if they are consistent with our values, it should also be easy to take the steps necessary to achieve them. It is one of the surest paths to a rewarding and happy life.