The market space and some clear photographys

Hello Neoxian community, it is a good day for all of us and today, I brings you guys some clear phototherapys, I took in the market and I am going to share my whole experiences as well that I had in the market.

Brief expository of this market:
This is a market at Aleto, Aleto is a community in River's State Nigeria

So, on my visit to this market, I was so happy to take some pictures of the market space, because I like the way the market is arrange, people selling so many varieties of things and some which were thing's I was buying.

I spotted a watermelon and I went and buy it, the lady beside me laugh because she saw me eating the water melon right there, I didn't mind her because it was what I wanted to do, but I was so into the way she laugh.

Although, I didn't know what was the reason she laughed, she knew me somewhere and she either didn't remember where we have met, I asked her if it is bad for me eat the watermelon in the market, she replied, not really and told me she saw me somewhere, it was then that I remember, I have entered the same cyclist with her that was four days ago.

I left that spot and I was captivated by her beauty, then I saw the building, It is a building of those days, it is scraps but from the way I view it, the building has a good view on the camera, I gave it a shot and it was the beginning of me taking clear pictures in the market.

The sugarcane supplier seems so tired, I wanted to buy from him but i could not because he seems so tired for attending to so many customers in the market that needs his good's. His friends who was selling rice and beans talked to him that, if he is tired, he can go and have a rest then he would called his son to come and sell the good's for him.

The man who sells rice is a very good person, he allowed the worries of his brother to worried him too and what I realized was that, the man was cheered up, he forgets about his worries and was concentrating on his business, i was buying beans from that man and I was looking the both of them, from there I realized that word's are powerful weaponry.

After I have bought the bean's due to how costly is the price of bean's now in the market, I was short of cash and I decided to locate the nearest Bank in the market to get some cash and buy the remaining things and keep some cash for my transport.

But before I reach the bank ATM machine, a woman by the side was selling crayfish, she called me, "good looking young man" I smiled, because I love it when people tease me, I bought the crayfish from her and also bought the guava from her neighbor.

Thereafter, I moved to the Bank and I withdrew some cash from the Bank ATM machine.

The last thing I bought in the market was potatoes, I love potatoes so much, especially, it sweetness, and It wouldn't have been a complete market if I should just leave yam that were all bedside me, so I also bought two tuber's of yam's.

My bag was so full and I called a cyclist which took me to my place, I hope you enjoyed my post about market.

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Images are mine