I admit I've never been a huge Trump fan though I've never been a "never Trumper" either. Since 2012 I've voted 3rd party for president. Most commonly Libertarian. It's not saying much, but this time around it seems Trump is the best candidate.
As far as Harris/Walz is concerned. There are two things that should be deal-killers for ANY American considering voting for them. The first is Kamala's statements in support of price controls and the second is Walz's statements opposing free speech (e.g. “There’s no guarantee to free speech on misinformation or hate speech, and especially around our democracy.”). That's some bullshit right there. That's exactly what the first amendment guarantees. Don't take that to mean I support lying to people or hate speech. I don't. However, the idea of the government deciding what those things are is terrifying. What the hell are people thinking?