The application of NEUROMARKETING Strategies to optimize SALES.

in The City of Neoxian2 years ago (edited)
Today the needs of consumers never ends and is becoming much more infinite, since once satisfied a specific need, considers another immediately as their primary need and is already automatically presenting other needs itself or created, which is why the study of the consumer must transcend beyond the sale for the future of business, so the desires are always considered infinite, but not so their resources to obtain the products.

Therefore, sellers should be concerned about how to stimulate the purchase of products by creating a strategy oriented by marketing, which throughout history has served as a tool for companies dedicated to the marketing of products.

From this point of view, all commercial establishments should be part of these marketing strategies that are aimed at consumers, that is to say, the existence of another way to attract consumers that allows them to have fun, to be entertained by doing so or simply that serves to kill their leisure.

Consequently, the application of neuromarketing techniques play an important role, since companies or commercial establishments offer greater comfort to consumers, making them relevant, this technique is considered as the tool that will strengthen the theoretical, practical and investigative basis for the recruitment of consumers supported by marketing and neuroscience.

However, small entrepreneurs believe that this technique is simply for large companies, which translates into a serious error, since they do not discover the potential that is putting at hand the application of the same, which will represent income and expansion of its market, so the lack of knowledge about neuromarketing and its components do not allow them to achieve the optimization of their sales and miss the opportunity to attract consumers, who have the need to meet the expectations and demands at the time of purchase.

Therefore, the application of neuromarketing in large companies continues its course with much success, where efforts are oriented on the application of neuromarketing, since it will allow them to influence sales, transmitting to consumers excitement for the acquisition of products especially for the place where it is located, that they feel pleasure and feel protected and safe and can remember the pleasant treatment so that they visit the company again and feel that everything they need there they can get it.


I am hearing about neuromarketing for the first time, although I haven't fully understood the concept, but I will make more research on it.

we can say that neuromarketing is when science and marketing techniques come together to analyze the behavior of consumers, through emotions and feelings to buy products or meet the needs of consumption, finding in it the levers or attractions to sell products and that consumers feel the real need to consume them even if it is not so.greetings @kilvnrex.