In the course of time there have been a series of diverse events that have marked and are relevant for humanity, such as the feminist movement, human rights, ecological aspects and the economic reaffirmation of a large group of transnational companies.
To conclude we say that the most important management processes today are the social responsibility programs, these are aimed at the entire environment of the institution and should be established as part of the integral values of the same, wrapping the productive
Currently in Venezuela there are several changes in the economic, political and social aspects, these require that their management is carried out considering ethical and moral values, and at the same time determining the effect that their decisions and actions have on the individuals involved and the environment that surrounds them, since these aspects are often ignored because they do not generate economic income to the organizations.
This is due to the fact that old management models have a mistaken concept that considers social and economic objectives as incompatible, and it is also thought that investment in community programs of social responsibility generate decreases in profitability, this only occurs if such programs are implemented in the short term.
That is why management must fulfill the most important role in the development of the activities of a company, since it is the genesis that serves as a starting point to consolidate the changes that are necessary for the effective development, operation and business transformation, it is also responsible for making it possible.