When I saw the first picture of the MiNT model, it looked like a Madrid bus station, with two (or tree) levels below the surface where the train and metro stations intersect, all under the bus station.
Well, such a city, with such ideas for transportation, will easily integrate AI into city management systems.
It's not like here in Belgrade. when there is a little more crowd in the traffic rush hour, the policemen come out on the street, in order to solve the congestion caused by the "bad" synchronization of the traffic lights, and then a real show arises, an even bigger crowd...
When I was in Prague, I noticed that people are very careful, they take care not to touch you in passing, they are very quiet and constantly apologizing (mostly older people, but also some younger ones). Did that caution and fear remain in the life of Czechs from the communist period?
Under communism, we had a situation where citizens reported each other for some illegal actions, even though they were not actually committed. The police came to home addresses without any basis...
So I think that the formation of a smart city is possible only for people and nations who are obedient, responsible and educated people.
In an environment where the people are not technically educated and are not responsible towards others (and not even towards themselves), it is difficult for the smart city project to come to life.
It's hard to say what is due to communism and what had been in our nature even before, there's no way how to dissect it ;)
Spaniards are of Mediterranian attitude, definitely more akin to Serbs that Czechs. And yet it works there. Perhaps because they've lived in a democratic country a bit longer (since the 1970s). Not being responsible to others and not caring about them is kind of undemocratic herritage.