Arriving at Ton 618



The probe has been traveling for years through the immensity of the cosmos, studying the most mysterious phenomena of the universe.

Its latest destination is one of the most ambitious: the Ton 618 quasar, a supermassive black hole that devours all matter in its path.

After negotiating massive gravitational fields and passing through clouds of boiling gas, the probe finally reaches the edge of the black hole. Its sensors begin to record data never before obtained about a quasar.

The energy released by matter falling into the singularity is so vast that the probe can hardly believe it. Jets of glowing plasma are ejected at near-light speeds, forming huge structures brighter than entire galaxies.

Intense tidal forces begin to tear at the probe's external components. Even so, she continues to collect precious data on the composition and geometry of the accretion disk frantically orbiting the singularity.

Suddenly, a blast of radiation hit it head-on. Its systems begin to fail one after another, but it manages to send one last transmission to Earth with all its readings before it is swallowed up forever by the insatiable force of the black hole.

Back on the blue planet, the scientists are stunned to receive the data from the lost probe. For the first time they have detailed information about the behavior and properties of a quasar, one of the most violent and energetic objects in the universe.