The human cloning project had been a resounding success, until scientists analyzed DNA samples from subject X32.
Something didn't fit. There were genetic sequences that did not correspond to any known living being on Earth.
Confused, they repeated the tests again and again, getting the same puzzling results.
Approximately 3% of the X32 genome was composed of an alien genetic code, totally foreign to terrestrial life.
Could this be a laboratory error? A contamination?
No, the protocols had been followed to the letter. The answer was inescapable: somewhere along their evolutionary lineage, X32's ancestors had been genetically altered by an extraterrestrial life form.
Scientists shuddered just to imagine the implications. Did it mean that humanity had been the subject of experimentation by alien civilizations? Were we really an artificial creation?
As the questions multiplied, one certainty became clear: the cloning of X32 would open a door to cosmic secrets that could forever change our understanding of the origin of human life.
The project then took on unimaginable significance, becoming the key to deciphering one of the greatest mysteries of the universe.