IRL or In Real Life is a text speak that is often used on social media. It’s shorthand to distinguish your online experiences from real world experiences. It's a term that has been around for many years but has new meaning during Covid times.
I am the type of personality that likes things to be straightforward direct and efficient, probably a bit of an introvert also, so a virtual world always appealed to me. A world where not having to deal with people, wait in lines, small talk was very appealing.
A few years back I was very much of the mindset that it was only a matter of time before everything was going in one direction. Everything would become virtual but, recent experiences have made me question this.
This week I was struck by how powerful IRL can be and why it will be around for some time. All the photos in this post are by me IRL, getting out and about.
For the last 2 years the whole world has been living in this strange dystopian nightmare. IRL has new meaning for many. Everyone has experienced
- Cancelled Life Milestones (Weddings, Christenings, Family Christmas)
- Visiting Parents & Grandparents
- Meeting Friends IRL
- Playing Sports
- Going to Work
Many of us on Hive have been lucky enough to have a significant digital presence and are likely working in Digital Industries. Working from home has been possible, for most of us, so our lives were not really upended.
Covid ...
The Covid crisis has given us a glimpse of what a future would look like if we spend our time at home with family and shop, work, videochat even exercise online. In many walks of life it accelerated virtualisation and online interactions.
It’s not unexpected that there has been resistance to this evolution to the Virtual but the strength of the recoil from the virtual to IRL has surprised me.
- Despite the benefits from remote working work still wants us back in the office, I cant face the commute!
- Another Zoom Party, pass no thank you, been there done that!
- Online Shopping, I actually want to go to the shop and pick things up myself. NO MORE CARDBOARD BOXES!!!
What do you get IRL that you don't get virtually?
More Energy.
Today I had to go out IRL to get a filling at the dentist. They haven't figured out how to send you a kit to do that yet!
On the way I bumped into someone I hadnt seen in years, bumped into another friend and had a coffee, even had a conversation with the people at the dentist.
I came home with a big pain in my tooth, but feeling energised, and a strange feeling I have not had in a while. I had forgotten what social interaction was.
Making a Point.
Over the holidays we got some work done in our house. I was away for a few days but there was an issue and someone had to come and fix it. They came while we were not here and to be honest made a mess of it.
One of those things that will never be back to factory look and feel once its been messed up. Something I cannot now realistically get fixed.
This week the same person came IRL to fix it, while I was there. The ease with which we could communicate the issue, observe their approach and even just make real time assessment of whether what I was asking was within the workers wheelhouse or not.
This is just not something that you can replicate virtually.
Long Long Long Covid
The mood in Ireland is getting to the point where everyone are sick of hearing about Covid and Digital. Our vaccination rate is over 90% and the government has basically given up on trying to control it any longer. Everyone is going to get it here and we are relying on vaccinations to get through it. Don’t get me started on how much of a mess they have made of it for everyone. the countless people that are now suffering from depression, anxiety, isolation, fear, untreated terminal medical conditions
one thing I can thank the government (and covid) for is they have let me experience what a virtual world would look like and helped me value IRL.
Coincidentally IRL is the ISO Country Code for Ireland.
A few final thoughts from my day out in Dublin IRL
- Sales are just not the same online. Even if you are good with numbers things are always just the wrong size, colour, don't do as you want. Then you have to pay for return postage. AAAAAGH
- The casual conversations when you are out meeting someone for a drink or a coffee. The networks you create IRL are hard to replicate online. Every relationship is just that little bit more remote, more casual, more expendable online.
- Social gatherings and life events are very different if they go ahead at all.
We have replicated a lot in the Digital world but you just cant beat IRL for many things.
Let me know what you think
- Will society at large will value IRL more after covid or will it accelerate us into the Metaverse?
- "publish a meaningful post every day of January"
Who's Up For A January Writing Streak?This post is my daily contribution to a challenge by @dragosroua to
During January I am visiting different communities virtually on Hive to see where I get the most engagement, and which inspire me most to write. Where I get the biggest welcome I might stick around :)
I hope you enjoyed this post to the Neoxian Community about my observations on the virtual world compared to IRL. If you would like to follow me to hear more I write mainly about Blockchain and Crypto but this month I am really going to explore different communities on Hive so my posts will be quite varied.
I definitely value IRL interactions more. I actually started getting closer with my friends more during 2020 and 2021 because of the lock downs. Instead of hanging out at night clubs, we had house parties and pop up parties in the park when weather permitted. So we kept hanging out with the same group over and over. It was actually fun in its own way for sure.