This movie is backstory of Vlad Dracula. It gives background on how Dracula gained his dark power or was he truly a negative person.
He was prince of Transylvania and he spent his childhood under Ottoman Empire and learning their ways. When he went back home, he came to know that Ottoman plan to invade their city.
They had huge amount of army and they stood no chance against them. He had no other choice so he sought for other ways to protect his homeland. He climbs a mythical mountain to meet with old Dracula. Old Dracula test him first but after getting assurance that he is a man of will he passes on his dark powers to him.
This power is so immense that huge armies stand no chance against it. Dracula goes back day of battle finally arrives. The battle becomes very fierce and he uses his powers via bats to brutally destroy enemies. Nobody has any clear idea on what's happening.
He dies in the end but did protect his homeland from getting captured by invaders. Later on, cut scene show that game of death has not finally ended yet.
- Movie URL:
- Critic: AAA
I haven't this version of Dracula and because of your review it made me feel interested in watching it.
You will enjoy watching it.