Hello Everyone!!! I hope you are having a great time over there? It's really nice to see you visit my blog today and I must say I'm really happy to have a great personality like you visiting my blog today 😊. Thank you once again 💕
As you all know today is another lovely new week and I'm quite sure everyone of you know what I do on new weeks like this. This is actually a part of the week I post motivational content just to brighten your day for the week and I hope you'll definitely feel motivated after reading this.
One of the important things we do take for granted or we sometimes take with levity is the inability to help others. This is really a trait or an act we need to eradicate from our lives if we truly want to live a highly fulfilled and successful life. It's really so sad that the kind of world we love in today is majorly composed of people who are self centered in the sense that they don't care about others, all they want is they believe in having everything alone for themselves.
My post today on weekly motivation will majorly be centred on helping others because this is also a great tool that can help you achieve greatness and success in life. The habit of helping others or impacting people's lives positively can also be found in the common trait or character of every successful single person you may come across.
What Does It Takes to Help Others

I'm quite sure most people are already filled with the thought or doctrine about helping others meaning giving them money.. Well, disbursing money to people may also be a form of help but not in this type of context.
Rendering help to others simply means showing and giving that sense of support and assistance to people who deserve your help with the sole purpose of making such people successful.
This is in accordance with the statement of Ralph Nalder when he stated that "the function of a leader is to produce more leaders and not followers". The question we need to ask ourselves is that our many people were able to achieve their success through us? How many people have we impacted their lives positively? How many leaders were we able to produce or develop?
I stated earlier that rendering help to people isn't imperative to be done financially if we aren't financially capable of helping through such means but you can also help people with your advice, kind words and most especially your level of impact towards people's lives tells a lot about you.
A Good Case Study

It's really great that most of us here are mostly content creators or bloggers and I'm also sure some of us know the stress we sometimes encounter when it comes to creating good quality content on our blog. After going through that lot of stress and effort coming up with a spectacular content of good quality but unfortunately you didn't get any post payout reward due to the fact that no one supported or upvoted your content, how will you feel? I'm quite sure most of us will definitely feel bad about this and this may even develop that sense of reluctancy in us whenever we intend to create contents on our blogs because we all love to be supported and rewarded for our good work.
This is also a good medium to support such people for their great effort by making them feel rewarded either by upvoting such users or writing good quality comment on their posts as this will give such writer a sense of incentive or motivation to do more. I use this medium to commend all users of this great community when it comes to cases like this. It's really great seeing everyone showing their support and doing their best to bring out the best in some writers or content creators.

I could also remember back then when I was really finding it very difficult creating contents on my blog posts probably due to the little or zero post payout reward which got me extremely discouraged but thanks to some good friends who adviced me back then not to give up on my goals and dreams. I'm really thankful for their great impact towards my life with the piece of advice and encouraging words they said to me back then.
The fact is that you can also do the same! You can start helping others by teaching them the necessary things they need to know if you are the knowledgeable type. You can help others by guiding them and reaching out to them if you are opportune to do so. You can also help others by encouraging and motivating them towards achieving their goals. Everything isn't about financial help most of the time since it's not everyone that's going to be financially capable to help others but always ensure you create a good mark or positive impact in the lives of others.
💕❤️💕❤️💕Thank You for your time and I hope you have a great day ahead with love from @hardaeborla
💕❤️💕❤️💕Thank You for your time and I hope you have a great day ahead with love from @hardaeborla

Helping others in any possible way is a great way of living life. This is worth sharing dear. Thanks for the motivation.
Thank you for your lovely comment @tv4souls and I hope you have a great day ahead with love from @hardaeborla ❤️💕