Feeling Surprisingly Good, Now To Keep On Going

This last month and a bit has been a trip. At the same time I feel more politically aware plus more personally aware. Funny how much time it takes to get back to that sense of self. When you look at the current situation you realize all the stuff you were fed in school was b.s. - you know the become a successful consumer in capitalist society kinda rap. When it all comes down like this all the flaws in the current economic social system become apparent. They failed the test!

Saw that documentary called Planet Of The Humans. Hugely endorsed by Michael Moore, he has a big hand in it, one of the guys who works with him on his docs made the film I think. It's about how The Green Movement has been co-opted by Big Industry. I highly suggest it! So now we need a new kind of Green Movement because it's been corrupted to serve the same industries, logging, mining, oil and gas etc.

I have my Mom staying with us this weekend. It's the first time we got together after the Covid social distancing. We are just taking it easy, going for walks. It is good to change up the routine as it's helping me think deeper. I really feel a new chapter. I've been working towards getting my ideas out there and now with current events I feel my talents are now needed. I want to go about it almost like a concerned parent for The Children Of The Earth having gone astray. Not so much in a religious sense, more pointing to cultural illiteracy...like how some people believe what they read in the paper or even a book...get to the place where you can think independently and do your own research. I'd like to see a mass movement where many students of life start hitting the books. I want to embrace lucidity.

I look forward to tomorrow! Want to make more lyrics out of my ideas. Also working on a new track! Sounds okay so far. The more I do it the better it can come out, I'm learning a bit more so my inspiration is expanding. I know I can do more things and get even better with what I already know.

Glad to make this post tonight. It allows me to break up my thoughts from time to time. I find it important to get thoughts down. Even on a internet post. I usually take the ideas I save and put them to paper later.

Here are my music links

