Some More Goodies Added And An Update


Good afternoon to you all and thanks for stopping by and supporting us.

It's been a bit since my last post as I managed to injure my dominant arm and have ended up with Tendonitis. It bloody hurts and typing with 1 finger at a time is a hard slog. It's taken me nearly a week to get this post done!

Then I found narrator on word which has helped speed things up, so here we are.

I have converted the HBD over to Hive and sold as I came across a deal I couldn't pass up today while doing my weekly shop in LIDL, much to the missus and kids disapproval 😅



This Parkside Belt Sander was £24.99, which considering the 3 year warranty and the pretty decent build quality for the price, this seemed like a great sander.
For those who are new here and didn't see my last escapades with a belt sander I'll recap for you.
The last one I had was a Jellas one off of Amazon that caught fire after the belt slid off at speed, took a chunk out of the plastic housing, and threw molten plastic around the workshop and my bare arms. Loss of hair did occur!


Picked up a couple of these as they were £1.99 each, cheap and cheerful that actually work great on nails. It does destroy the blade, but for this price I bought 5 of them as they are great value.
I forgot to get a receipt for these as I saw these on the way out in someone else's basket so ran back in to buy some.


Along with these I bought some sanding discs which again were cheap at £1.69 a pack, so I bought 2 packs. These things fade quick, so when they are this cheap they are worth getting a few packs for sure.


As promised, here is my receipt from Lidl, I removed the other stuff so you can clearly see what I paid, but also so you lot don't judge me for my terrible choices of food 😂

Total spend today of £38.32.
Total spend since last post: £85.06
Hive sold to fund these: £110.54.

There are some more items on the way, but I haven't got the receipts yet/pictures yet so they will be coming once I go to collect them this week.


What have we been up to this last couple of weeks?

For starters I found out why letting a teenager use a nail gun is a terrible idea...
Luckily He didn't shoot anyone with it, but yeah the health and safety talk after was a bit of a wakeup call for all of us.

He's now well aware of what a pin nail can do to the human body after I shot it into thick wood.

We have repaired some wood that divided the rear of the exterior of the workshop from the neighbours house. We also store some of our excess wood out there that we can't fit inside. This stuff is scraps that the kids test ideas out on, but with the divide back up it looks a thousand times neater and the missus now can't see our pile of 'rubbish' as it's often referred to.

It was a great project for both of the users as I gave them the task, told them what I needed, and they came up with a nice looking piece with some very clean edges that I was proud of. They planed the wood down so all the boards fit nicely together. It was a great idea from them both, and I am glad that they are confident using the tools but also that they can come up with these ideas to improve things. Now we wait for the weather to improve for them to paint the wood and it will hopefully last many years after they both leave us at the Woodpeckers.
I'll add pictures when the weather is a bit nicer and you can see the effort that they put in a lot clearer than now.

Currently still deciding on what wood to use for our Hive sign, but I am getting closer. I also have a bit of n interesting idea for said sign, so for now I can't confirm exactly what the design is, but once I have it all figured out I will share my drawings with you all.



If you are reading this post and wondering who the Hive-Woodpeckers are, click the link and check out our introduction post.

I want to say a massive thankyou to everyone who has supported us so far, from words of encouragement to upvotes. You are helping change kids lives and it is an amazing thing to be a part of.


A big thanks to our sponsors


The coolest folk around making some kick ass Gifs for our pleasure and enjoyment. Along with their great humour, these are top rank Hive members for sure.



A great group of Splinterlands Guilds who are an amazing community, chatting about all sorts from Life to Crypto.
Come drop by their Discord and meet some amazing people Phoenix Arcade

@duo-curator and the HOC


The Hive Onboarding Committee are a group of Hivians focused on making Hive a better place for newcomers. Supporting them on their journey in Hive and helping them to grow across the chain.
With the use of their Duo Token it is a great project and a generous group.

Check out their Discord HOC and get to know them. They are a great group and well worth getting to know.

Check out the Duo-Token and their posts on Hive.

@bradleyarrow @bbh


The BBH Project is a combination of different projects that feed into one purpose. Making the BBH token the best passive income token on Hive. You can read the details in our WhitePaper: Accounts link to the project are @bradleyarrow, @bbh, @bbhbot, and @thebbhproject.

Some Honourable mentions to our long standing supporters

A big thanks to @bitcoinman who's been a great help and also @stickupcurator, @brosonleo and @raymondspeaks for being awesome and helping support me through this project so far.


Hi, how are you doing? Hope your arm is much better!

Loved reading this post 😍

Good evening
Sorry for the slow reply. Tendonitis then flu/tonsilitis and other grim bits happened. Only just on the mend 😭