High Skills, Techniques and Strategies are Required in Survival Mode

Hello splinterlands warriors, how are you doing today? On a serious note, Survival mode is one of the toughest battles in splinterlands. One cannot be sure whether he/she will win the battles until the final round.
Survival mode requires high skills, techniques and strategies to avoid your cards from being depleted. I will suggest that if a player is a novice player, they should not play survival mode.
I have to step down from playing survival mode because the monsters I love to use were depleted for many things which I could not use in any of my battles.
Thank God! My obsidian cooldown from being defeated for many days before it was activated. Hence, 14 of my cards are currently depleted; and it will take many days to be activated.

When it comes to splinterlands battles, I'm very skillful, technical and strategic; my cards were depleted because some of those cards are not suitable for survival mode.
For instance, I played with a player that only used a monster in a battle with 12 Mana cost; he used only the Alva the Crusher. My plan was to use magic monsters as my best monster. I decided to use monsters with 1 Mana as a delayed tactic; I never knew it was a big opportunity for my opponent. That was how I was defeated and all the cards were depleted.
After the battles, I learn many things and they are:
High Skills
Seriously! To participate in a survival mode, you have to be skillful and be conscious about your cards.
You face every battle as when you are playing the world cup final; you can't afford to lose a card for days; every card is important to me.
For instance, Since Obsidian was depleted, it was very difficult to win some battles,and I believe if Obsidian were available,I would have won some of those battles.
As Obsidian is important to me in some battles, that is how some monsters are very important to players to win certain battles; and when such monsters are depleted, the battles become frustrating to the players.
That was how I thought when I saw those battles that were very easy to defeat by particular monsters.
Therefore, a player playing in survival mode needs to be skillful in the battles; a skillful player knows the kind of monsters to use to win the battles when he/she sees the battle rules. For instance, there are rules when I see them in battles, I don't think twice before selecting monsters or a summoner. This is because I understood the battles very well, even my best monsters are not available, I know how to maneuver to win the battles.

High Techniques
One of the ways one can be technical is to use training mode to practice.
For instance, using teeth to open drinks may sound awkward, but using an opener may be the best technique.
This is when the position of monsters is very crucial and important. It requires techniques to use a particular monster in the best position.
I have made several mistakes during the selection of monsters. The recent mistake I made was that I used a melee monster in third position of which I was supposed to use it in the first position.
This was because the only position the melee monster could function very well was in first position. With the battle rules I was given, only melee monsters with opportunity, sneak and snipe could attack in the third position. But, I failed to realize that and I was defeated hands down in the battle.
A player needs high techniques to know the best position for a particular monster. Every monster in splinterlands has specific battles they can perform very well.
Let me use one example,everyone knows furious chicken, it is a zero mana monster and we players used it many times to fill the empty pot when there was no mana to select other monsters.
I used furious chicken to fill the pot, especially when there was Mana to select monsters.
There was a day I realized that Furious chicken is a powerful monster that is very important in some battles. On that fateful day, I was given 12 Mana to fight in a supersneak rule; after that I selected important monsters - Cerberus, Antoid Platoon and flame monkey. There was no mana left for me and I had three more pots to fill.
Since Furious Chicken is a zero mana monster, I brought in furious chicken.
I used Cerberus as the first monster and Antoid Platoon as the last monster. I placed Flame Monkey in second position and Furious Chicken in third position.
Furious chicken was attacking opponent monsters just like fFame monkeys; and that was how I defeated my opponent.
Therefore, knowing the best position to use a monster is one of the ways to emerge in splinterlands. I watched battles in which a player that is using level one summoner defeated a player that is using level 4 or 5 summoner.

I have come across players that were using one strategy in all battles, and when I discovered it, I came up with a strategy to defeat them. A player needs to have many strategies to win battles; sticking into one strategy all the time may not be of good use.

My First Survival Mode battle

Click Her to watch my first survival mode battle

If you look at this battle, I have more advantage than my opponent. I was using a level 6 summoner and my opponent was using a level one summoner.

Battle Rule
Standard: No change to standard gameplay rules or mechanics.

Monsters Arrangement

Venari Markstrat
Splinter: Neutral
Level: 2 ⭐⭐
Speed: 1 🚤
Ability: Martyr
Health: 3 ❤️❤️❤️
Attack: Range
Mana: 3 ♂️♂️♂️♂️
The function of Venari Wavesmith in these battles was to boost the stats of Pelacor Mercenary. It was eliminated in round one of the battle and the stats of Pelacor Mercenary.
I already knew that Venari Wavesmith could not attack because of the ranged attack.

Pelacor Mercenary
Splinter: Earth
Level: 7 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Speed: 3 🚤🚤🚤
Ability: Flying and Heal
Health: 10 ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Attack: Melee
Mana: 7 ♂️♂️♂️♂️♂️♂️♂️
Pelacor Mercenary was in second position; after the elimination of Venari Marksrat, Pelacor Mercenary led the lineup. It was not eliminated from the battle.

Screeching Vulture
Splinter: Earth
Level: 6 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Speed: 4 🚤🚤🚤🚤
Ability: Flying, Opportunity and Scavenger
Health: 2 ❤️❤️
Attack: Melee
Mana: 3 ♂️♂️♂️
Screeching Vulture was attacking monsters with the smallest unit in the lineup. As monsters were killed, it kept on adding health due to scavenger ability.

Regal Peryton
Splinter: Earth
Level: 3 ⭐⭐⭐
Speed: 6 🚤🚤🚤🚤🚤🚤
Ability: Flying
Health: 5 ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Attack: Melee
Mana: 5: ♂️♂️♂️♂️♂️
Regal Peryton's magic ability was very important; it was attacking the health of opponent monsters. The speed of Regal Peryton was incredible and that was the reason it was the first monster to attack.

Halfling Alchemist
Splinter: Neutral
Level: 2 ⭐⭐
Speed: 2 🚤🚤
Ability: Halving
Health: 1 ❤️
Attack: Range
Mana: 2 ♂️♂️
The purpose of Halfling Alchemist was to break the weapon of opponent monsters. In the first round, it broke the melee of Elven Defender, and in the third round, it broke the ranged attack of Quilliun Legionary.

Fungus Fiend
Splinter: Earth
Level: 1 ⭐
Speed: 1 🚤
Ability: None
Health: 2 ❤️❤️
Attack: Melee
Mana: 0
Since I was left with a pot and there was no mana, I used Fungus Fiend to fill up the space. Not only to fill up the space but to take attack incase my opponent use a sneak monster.

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The pictures in this post are taken from Splinterlands
Credits to canva: cover photo created by canva.


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