It is exactly one month till december and I am grateful for the gift of life above all things and the ability to still exist even in the midst of a global pandemic and crisis. So I woke up today with a joyful heart and a grateful one thanking the Most high for his mighty hands that protects, bless, and shower me and mine with unending grace. So I am sharing this song with you, I hope it meets you well and purify your heart like it did mine.
Sang by Natheniel Bassey featuring Chandeler Moore and Oba.
This song is simply eulogizing the Lord by making his words and works known. Appreciating how great the Lord is. It was sang in a mixture of one of Nigeria's language Yoruba and English Language. The title is Olorun Agbaye which means the God of the whole world who is committed to fulfilling every of his word. From pandemic, to been in isolation/ lock-down, to crisis, to natural and artificial disaster. He is God and will continue to be.
When forces are trying so hard to trivialize our existence and, make it look like there is no God, songs like this reminds us that there is a being who has a track record of keeping his word and staying true to his form. Empty handed we came to earth, and empty handed we shall live but praises and worship will ascend to God every day of our lives wherever we may be. What God cannot do does not exist and he will do exactly what he says he will do.
This is one song that will move your spirit and soul with the melodious humming, to the calm beat and sonorous voice singing it. When it looks like things are not working in our favor and the spirit is starting to get weak, songs like this are sent from above to remind us of the One who never leaves anyone behind. Thank you God because none of your words ever go unfulfilled. Thank you for using this your servants to renew our soul. Grateful that you keep track of your words in our lives.