very nice post and very interesting topic. Indeed it is true, man has the ability to evolve and make crazy up-grades in all areas of his life. Just think back 10 years ago that we had the very first smartphones and today see how the smartphone has evolved
But the most interesting aspect, in my opinion, is to see how man might evolve in terms of thinking.
As a student of history, I have studied transformations and innovations a lot. There are tens of hundreds of important dates in the evolution of Man.
I could cite hundreds of important dates and events for the evolution of the human being
In addition to thinking about how human thinking might change, I am very fascinated by trying to understand in which direction we will go with energy. We have seen the steps that took us from animal traction to steam, from steam to coal, from coal to oil, from oil to renewables and nuclear power. But now we seem to be at a standstill, with some proposing a return to coal, others proposing an increase in nuclear power.
What will we do when renewable resources, such as oil, are completely exhausted? In my opinion a very interesting topic :)
Hehe you've just blown the entire topic wide open, which i like. You know i've never actually thought of what will happen when our non- renewable materials get exhausted. I'm not to heavy on going back to coal, but then nuclear power is quite detrimental to the environment as well.
is certainly an interesting topic! The ecological transition is a topic that concerns us closely and still many of us pretend not to know what it means ahah
but one day we will have to figure out how to save the human!
Hopefully that day comes soon before its too late