The financial mindset is a mindset of thinking

It hurts to know that you are pressed with a certain amount of money, you need to take care of your challenges, and the amount you need is not available to you, this kind of temperament cannot be rightly explained than, it will be a mindset of thinking, the things I have overlooked because of money can fill a basket if I want to start counting right away.

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But must it be so?, what is really in the allocation of money, that it seems so difficult, I was with a neighbour yesterday and what he said to me about money, was that, it takes so much calculations to have it.

I wasn't thinking directly to what he said, but this morning, I realised what he meant to be true, the financial mindset, doesn't need too much talking or whatever to be in check, but what is expected is to be thinking in the right direction, and work out the ideas from your mindset, then work towards fulfilment.

Our mindset is what we see ourselves doing, just take for example, if a person is drinking alcohol, he will start talking so many things, that at that time, when the alcohol starts to get inside his head, and at that time, the person would not understand or remember vividly, what he should do next, he will mess himself up, and if the case is not taken, and to be clearly illustrated.

If he was having a financial thought in his mind, that means that from that moment, he started drinking and the drinks drugged him, he lost control of himself, because the thought would no longer be there in his mind.

In this world a lot of things are achieved with hard work, and when I say "hard work" I don't just mean starting a business and doing the best you can, because anyone who wants to be successful should do more than what they can to get it off the ground, however, it could have been easy for everyone when we all have a understanding mentality, but at some point, many people become unconcerned about others and continue to strive for everything.

I grew up in an environment where people went hungry for days, as a matter of course, not because they couldn't work and get paid to feed themselves, but because there was nothing to do. Surviving in those days was something I couldn't explain, because I don't know how it all works, so it hurts me to see people going through that kind of situation, and it also hurts me to see people who could help others, but still think they are not rich enough to do so, helps doesn't have to come when we have an abode full of gold.

No one is rich, when they care less about others, caring less about others, means that the person falls into the category of men with their hands clenched.

Let us put an end to the notion that in order to be richer, one has to care less about others, because that is a lie if we continue to care less about our brothers,