Thank you so much. I read Pilgrim progress as a teenager and it was one of the best books of faith, salvation and heaven.
As for my losses, well they're the most painful and it's been hard to comprehend or accept them.
Thank you for your kind words. I'm a native English speaker and I very much have an in-phone KJV as well as a physical one as well, and it's the best decision I've ever made
Greetings @josediccus ,
There is a film 'Pilgrim's Progress' with Liam Neeson (plays the part of Evangelist)that has been recommended to me, I am looking forward to viewing it.
Here's something ..I could not tell if it was the whole film..but at least it tells you a bit more about it.
God's Word, His letter to us,says God chooses the time, the manner, the place of every believer's death. Remember the story of Job...or read the first chapter. The Lord giveth, The Lord taketh away...Worthy of praise and glory is the name of the Lord. Another doctrine...All things are for our benefit...I Thessalonians 5.18 In everything give thanks for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus, concerning you.
The absolute truth of the Word is what comforts us...He is perfect, He is fair. He is omniscient....God knows best. I speak to you believer to believer...with these words of comfort from our Heavenly Father.
Happy to hear you have His Word at your fingertips. ^__^
Kind Regards,
Thank you for taking the time, you're right, He's good and He's fair and His mercies endureth forever. I have taken to the word to comfort me and even if I don't have the level of peace and tranquility I currently want in my life due to everything that's happening, I still believe that he's good and nothing can change that.
I'll click the link and check the film you're talking about. I used to think that pilgrim's progress is only a book.