In the icy night of my tormented soul, I am possessed by a curse of madness and feverish delusions. Exiled on the island of my own solitude, I curse the coherence that torments me.
I am the magnificent and terrible beast that roars in my pupils on the edge of the abyss, in love with infernal diamonds. With a singing skull wielding its sword of dead sun, I sow poppies in the labyrinth of my doomed desires!
The sinful moon that encloses my heart writhes like a venomous serpent, marking my blasphemous forehead with the diabolical sign towards death. A black flag waves in my faith battered by the taste of disgrace.
I dance frantically to the sound of bohemian lyres, but my dark circles keep tombs of icy crosses! An eternal gulp in the mouth of the precipice for this castaway smile that says to heaven, “I shit on your ideal light!”
While the world rejoices in creation, I drag my gloomy despair, seeking to swallow hell in a suicide of hedonism. I am the little walking coffin, demonic and disgusting, writing in blood to offend the divine!
Trapped in my own body, the world is for me nothing but an existence of vampirism and eternal death. Without peace or consolation, slowly my heart embraces me to perdition.