Time To Feed My Chickens

in The City of Neoxian3 months ago

It is time to feed chickens. One thing makes me happy. Twice a day, I feed the chickens. This simple act brings contentment, watching them eat, knowing I care for them. The rhythm of routine, a small joy in my daily life.

I feed the chickens with fermentation food that I made a day before. I also add boiled vegetables. I pick pepaya jepang (Cnidoscolus aconitifolius). After boiling the leaves, I cut them into small pieces and mix them with the fermentation food. The chickens enjoy this nutritious meal every day.

The combination of the food has been a good meal for my chickens. They really enjoy it, and I can see they have a high appetite. They eat hungrily every time. Besides that, the feces of the chickens have no bad smell, which shows that the food is healthy for them. I’m happy to see that the chickens are healthy, energetic, and satisfied with their meals. It’s a good sign that the food suits them well.

Thanks for reading and see you my next posts about chicken breeding.