An airplane never flies without touching the ground and as the law of gravity says, whatever goes up must come down. Hence, whatever flies must first start from the ground to begin its flight and must as well come down.
Well, this post is all about the paramount steps you ought to take even when you have the capacity to fly. Literally, in a business or whatever choice of venture, irrespective of how influential and wealthy you are, taking the necessary steps before expanding is important.
You might wonder, why waste time on taking steps when you have wings to fly. Invariably, why start small when you have the capacity to start big?
Why walking on land is important
Making steps helps you to gradually build an audience and customer base, whereby people steadily entrust you with their stake. When that trust continually grows, it becomes communicable enough to attract more people to you.
Also, you gain more experience on management. Imagine buying large stock and not knowing the counts, accounts or quality of your products? But starting small reduces avoidable risks.
hence, walking on land denotes the ability to start small, take baby steps before expanding or gaining flights in that very market you compete in.
Hence, silence the pressure of not learning how to crawl before walking, close the tunnel of voices that tells you your capacity of flying without walking and embrace the peace that comes with a step by step development.