Came across this magnificent White Oak in East Quogue LI, NY.... growing on someones front yard....
Growing by itself with no other trees competing for sun, this tree was able to produce a full rounded look. In the forest when a old large tree develops like this it is called a "Wolf Tree". The shade from these big trees prevents smaller trees around it to grow to maturity.
The White Oak is a beast of a tree... It's range is most of the USA's eastern half. It can grow up to 150 feet / 45 m tall but usually tops off at around 100' and have a diameter of 4 + feet / 1.21 m.
#treetuesday ... Originated by @old-guy-photos
Posted via | The City of Neoxian
I thought so too... thanks :-)
That's an old guy, nice shape too.
Diameter wasn't that big but had room to grow :-)
Wow! A giant tree! The roots must go very deep!
These trees have good size taproots ...
What a beautiful tree and I am glad you showed it without leaves. I just love to look at the branches. : )
Use to draw leafless trees when kid...