Its okay to cry.

Most people see crying as a sign of weakness, to some, if you cry, you are foolish and lack self-worth I personally don't see crying as all these, to me, crying ease your pains, it makes you stronger, it relieves stress.

Emotions or feelings are better off expressed than bottled. If how you feel at a particular time brings tears to your eyes, don't hold back, let it pour all out, and you would feel better afterwards. Unfortunately, most people bottle their emotions, especially Men, whoever maid the claim that men are not suppose to cry probably got it wrong. The claim that an Alpha male should never be seen crying, well being an Alpha male doesn't mean you are Superman, and doesn't make you have solution to every problem, and not having a solution to a problem makes you helpless, and people often cry when they are helpless.

An occurrence that happened years ago, a friend of mine lost his mom, before her death, he'd always told me that if ever he looses him mom that he is not going to survive it, and I will just simply tell him that no one is meant to live forever. When the news got to me, I went to pay my condolences to my friend, and in my head, I'd imagined he would be rolling on the floor, screaming and crying his eyes out, judging by how much he loved his mother and how close they were, but on getting there I was surprised to see his eyes as dried as a dessert. I called him to the side and I started punching him, and he asked why I am doing that, and I replied that I want him to cry, he said why?, I said you lost your dearest mom and you didn't even shed a tear., And his response was, why would he cry, he is a man, do I want people to see him as less of a man, and then I told him that, you not crying doesn't make you strong, rather it's hurts you deeper, and makes you feel extreme pain inside and you might even get a heart disease because your heart is burdened, I barely finished what I was saying when he broke down in tears, he cried deeply, I could sense the pain in his voice as he cries, I just stood there and let him get it all out, when he calmed down, I consoled him and we continued talking.

I just want to say this to especially Men out there, you are human and not a machine that don't have emotions, you have blood running through your veins, you shouldn't be hard on yourself, when it wants to come out, let it out, when you feel the tears coming, let it come, don't hold back, for when you hold back, you are in turn hurting yourself emotionally and health wise, and if anyone calls you weak because they saw you crying, then that person or those people needs to get their brains checked, because they are obviously weak in the brains.

Also sometimes, you need that cry on someone's shoulder, either your friend, partner or family, you need that pat on the back and those reassuring words, it helps alot.

Thanks for the read.