Oh I'd love to take a wander around that! The standouts for me was the BigTrak I always wanted (with the trailer) but could never afford, the swimming badges!! Oh my god, I'd forgotten those. I had mine stitched to my towel but never got the 800m as our swimming lessons weren't long enough to cover the distance! Top Deck lager and lime and the best thing of all, MacDonalds ashtrays! You can't believe the days back in the 80s where we could smoke at work, in Macdonalds, on aircraft and best of all, top deck of a bus!
Thanks for sharing. I really enjoyed that quick trip down memory lane.
I remember a posh kid at school had big trak. I was totally wowed by it. Green with envy
haha i know what you mean. I loved your comment about only playing 'Simon' at a friends house. I used to go round a mates who had more Scalextric track than I'd ever seen. We used to spend hours setting it all up around his garden in the summer hols, it never worked well and we only ever got a few laps in before it was tea time and we had to take it all apart again!
Its as basic a game as you could ever imagine but i remember the first time i saw one i was like WOW! Playing video games back in those days involved a walk to the arcade in town and you’d watch other people playing games as you waited your turn. Get the high score and get your initials in there oh yeah.