The Bank of Neoxian shall loan the sum of 2500 usd to @burlarj. He promises to repay 2675 usd. He shall pay 500 usd per month until 2675 usd is paid. First payment shall be August 11th, 2021.
Client shall repay using some major crypto the Bank accepts (including BTC, ETH, Hive)
Coingecko shall be used to determine prices.
Also, client agrees to cover any transaction fee cost.
@burlarj shall offer up the following cards as collateral:
lord of darkness level 4 - C1-55-18K4FCJIQ8
spirit of the forest level 3 - C1-33-8W5ZQGVXV4
elemental phoenix level 3 - C-C2SYJBLQ00
angel of light level 3 - C1-44-33SNMV6UGW
Cards will be delegated to borrower for the duration of the loan while the loan is being paid back in good faith. Upon successful completion of the loan, these cards shall be returned.
Additionally, @burlarj shall offer up his hive account as collateral.
To insure payment of this loan, the lendee promises to hand over their Owner key(s) to the bank. The bank will give back new active and posting keys to the lendee. The lendee affirms that the owner key(s) are given voluntarily and their account(s) are not stolen. They promise not to initiate the Stolen account recovery procedure.
The lendee agrees that if the Bank decides to change the active key(s) and keep them private, this does not constitute of breach of contract.
Lendee also consents to Bank changing the trustee if the Bank so chooses.
The Lendee promises not to power down the account(s) to the point where the collateral would be less than the owed value, or if it is necessary to powerdown to pay the loan, then the full powerdown should go to the bank.
The Lendee agrees this contract remains valid regardless of any flags this contract post might receive.
Owner key(s) will be returned upon successful completion of loan.@burlarj shall hereafter be known as the lendee…
Please sign below...
(picture from the CrossCode game)
Posted via | The City of Neoxian
i agreed and sign sire
Congrats and wish you all the luck Burl.
heh, well-done follower :P you must do what I do :P congrats and thank you so much Neo sir for being here and help us a lot <3
lol thanks!
Congratulations @neoxian.. 🤗
Penjelasan yang luar biasa
Good contest and nice initiative. Part of encouraging program, I suppose.
Good contest and nice initiative. Part of encouraging program, I suppose.