Oh my goodness 🤭🤭, this was a lot of kindness from strangers and also from the man that took you to his house to sleep over.
Initially, you had the wrong mindset that it's normal for all humans to be heartless and violence towards one another because of the kind of training you received in the military school and probably their attitude towards you
Strangers can be our saving grace...it's just good to have an open mind for people because we never can tell what can befall us in a minute
I am glad the people in the bus relieved you by contributing money for u
It was a big loss after all, losing ur phone, wallet and credit card.
However, I am curious about your meet up with your uncle since you had no access to his contact. How did you later meet with him?
Posted using Neoxian City
You are very correct dear friend, of a truth strangers can be our saving grace, I have learned alot more about life lately.
hehe, this is another long story on its own my dear, if I had added it here, this post would have been too long for readers, lol.
My uncle thought that maybe I might have been involved in a bus accident or robbery attack, so he went about various bus parks to make enquires the next day.
On the other hand, I located the nearest military barrack where I was fortunate to meet some of my regulars. I borrowed their phones and logged in my Facebook account where I started chatting my family members and telling them what had happened. I also got my uncle's number through Facebook and we communicated and finally met. It was really an experience my dear.
Wow... you took a smart move by visiting the Facebook to connect with your family and ur uncle
Such a life lesson learned
Thanks God for social media and other online platforms that help us connect to family and friends across the globe.
I really appreciate your lovely time and support here dearie ❤️