They that wait upon the Lord, shall renew their strength, His Word says. Just before then it says, even young lions, who are normally imperious can suffer lack and youths(with their strength as their glory) can be weary. Isaiah 40.
Goodmorning ma, so I agree with you. Infact if we may put it properly, the only prescribed way a human should live his life is via the strength of God. Human ability is akin to God saying– our righteousness is like filthy rags before Him. His strength must swallow ours, our will must be lost in His.
The moment Adam(and Eve) chose independence from God, by disobediently eating from the tree, they were chased out. We loose our inheritance, our position, our calling, peace, joy once we depend on something else that is not God.
To be clear, there is no part of our lives that can ever please our maker if it functions outside of His strength. His strength comes in various packages — anointing, mercy, wisdom, self control, His righteousness in us, vision, Agape love, etc.
Thanks for edifying me today.
This is massive. Thanks for reading and may God help us all to trust Him completely.
God be praised.
He's our help.