Don't Hide Your Medical Records From Your Spouse

Most times people lack proper records when it comes to health issues, your medical information, insurance, but we forget that the issue of medical history is very important in our society. This are the things people need to know before going to any kind of relationship, moreso it tells couples if truly they are compatible to marry each other and not only that, to know more about our health issues.


Relationship and courtship needs total engagement, before anything, partner should tell themselves about chronic conditions each party is facing before getting intimated for each other, like are you asthma patients?, are you an hypertensive patient and so on because all of this will help you when something happens that related to health. Life is good but only with proper understanding.

However, relationships is not something you can rush in, two people coming together with different expectations, emotion and wants, and if one party is adamant to tell the other party about his or her health issues, then it can easily destroy relationships. With proper communication and understanding, then the relationship, courtship and marriage can survive.

Before I drop my pen for today, health is wealth, health issues is very critical to marriage, two people coming together simply means both life, career and purpose will have impact on each other, so it's not a secret thing, that's why we must open up in our relationship or marriage. Don't ever hide anything from your spouse no matter. Stay blessed.

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