He Shows Up!

in The City of Neoxian10 months ago


He shows up always like the mighty Man
of valour
With every dose and sprinkle of His goodness and favour
I can't get enough of it as every single thing I want to savour
I want to be immersed in His goodness...like a greedy man would devour
He shows up for me when the chips are down
He gives life to a hopeless tree even when the leaves are brown
I have been blessed by God, I want to shout it in every town
In admiration and awe, let me pay homage and bow
I leave the questioning aside...its not my worry in knowing the "how"
I simply look up to God and that keeps me going every time...then and now
I have never seen anyone show up for me like He has always done
I have never seen anyone with that consistency
That level of dedication and commitment to making me happy
Just as the Heaven is higher than the earth
His ways are beyond searching out...no matter how much we search the heart
God is rich to all...not like we selective humans as we do our groceries in the cart
This is my heart cry in admiration and appreciation of His wonderment
Delivered me from the jaws of the devil and the torment
Showing the path of life where I can call "ABBA Father"
While walking the earth with no fear
Because whatever I need sorting out, my God shows up.

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today; doctor's order.


Nice poem with a very powerful message. There is this English adage that says "One with God, is one with majority". This poem is telling us that once we abide by God's teaching and do what he requires of us, he will always grant our heart desires.

Once God's on your side...nothing and no one else matters... absolutely... That's it. One with God... Thanks for this

That's right, we should not worry because what God has sent for us is perfect and if any problem comes upon us, then we have to be patient. If we are patient, we will work hard. I think we're about to get something we never thought possible.

God always show up no matter what and how we think the situation is tough but he always come through. What a lovely God we have

Regardless of the situation, God shows up always. When we show faith in Him, He honours our faith and get us through it all. What a lovely God we have and serve.

Nowadays, the way we see the holiday season going on and decorations everywhere, the benefit of such events is that people get a chance to meet each other and socialize with each other. A lot of fun is done and when one forgets the troubles of life and once again celebrates happiness, then such events that happen are very special.

Nice one! One with God has no worries because He has everything sorted out. All we need do is play our part, trust in Him and He will show up

We always have a part to play. God always show up. He has never faltered. He is faithful to the end.

I love your comment. You are sorted with God. You are set for life. He can't let you down. He always turn up.

God can't let us down. He can't deny Himself. He always turn up. Absolutely. I love her comment too.

There is no other God who lives and never ever dies...there is no other person that can show up better than God just as we have heard and seen that we can never outgive God. God always show up. God doesn't disappoint. God is absolutely dependable. I am happy with your story. It's encouraging.

Ah. You made me remember that sweet lovely song. I love that song and is still one of my favourites too. God is dependable. We can bank on Him.

God does not need much introduction, He is in all of us even though there are many people who deny it, He is always for all of us not only when we are bad but at all times, He will always deliver us from all evil, thanks for sharing these dear friend ♥

Thanks for being here, my friend. I always value your contribution. Very well, God doesn't need much introduction. His influence spreads like fragrance...sweet amazing fragrance.

Thanks to you my friend for sharing all your thoughts with us, it expands much more than a fragrance, by the way very nice picture with your baby ♥

Thank you very much. I love how cute she looks in there too even though she wasn't smiling hahaha. It was a very cold day.

Very cold these days my friend, here in Venezuela there is no snow but it is raining a lot xD

God is indeed mighty and needs no introduction. Many people can deny Him for all they like but there would come a time they will need Him. We cannot do without God.

They can deny Him all they want o...God is unmoved...unshaken... undisturbed. He is God all by Himself.

Yay! 🤗
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