When and how did we get here?
Seemed like I have been lost for the past years
And now that I am trying to find myself,
I feel off the shelf,
Outdated, archaic and old-school.
How and when did we get here?
Life wasn't as complex as this,
We never needed much to be alive,
We never needed much to show ourselves,
But now, it feels like we need more than much.
When and how did we get here?
It never cost much to protect our skin
But now, you need to be cleansed,
Moisturized, and even proofed against the sun,
And these costs thousands and thousands.
Who made us this?
What moved us here?
Is this life moving with us unaware?
Where did we lose our track?
Can someone please take us back?
Maybe we won't be able to go back,
Maybe we will only have to fasten our tracks,
Maybe we will have to move as life moves,
So that we don't get lost again,
Because, how and when we got here, I don't know!
Thank you for your time.
My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.
Still me,
My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.
Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today; doctor's order.
Very cool poem, days ago I have wondered that, what will be our purpose in life or what will be our mission on this earthly plane, but I try not to think too much about that, just focus on what is important and what is really worth, great poem friend greetings ♥
Nice poem. The world has fast evolved and so many changes has taken place. Like you said, how we got to this point of change we don't know but we will have to adapt to it if not we will be left behind
At time when we sit down and thinking of where we are or where we found ourselves, it's seems as if life if unfair to us. What happening now in the country it makes so many people to get lost of the track. We just need to be focus and move on as life moves. I pray God to turn around things in our country for better move. Thanks my mentor @olawalium. Stay blessed bro
Interesting poem. Tells us that life is a continuous process. Most times people wonder how they got to the spot they are now in, or how they have grown to the stage they are in. So we just have to keep moving and doing our best to make sure we are on track.
The effect of modernization is having a negative impact on our society, we are not realizing it now, but I am sure we are going to realize it in the future. life has become hard, in the name of making it easy. the world we are living in today has become problematic.
Reading this poem really got me smiling 😀 life moves so fast and so must we. If we don't get updated the world will leave us behind. It's not surprising to see how fast the world is developing. God told man to take over the earth, replenish, multiply and subdue it. It's God word coming to fulfillment, we should just make sure our contribution is positive and use all the development to further God's will for our lives and for mankind entirely.
Thank you for sharing