I Don't See You.


I am very intentional about my mental state
It's alarming to see how negativity it's moving at a faster rate
Everyone you come across wants to flex power and berate
Put them on a level scale, they are as light as an empty crate
They are always good with numbers and every specific date
Embracing toxicity and negativity as though it's their fate
They bring nothing to the plate but still feeds you toxicity at the gate
Their words speak of peace and love but their heart is filled with hate
They are filled with façade...always prompt and never late
Sometimes you know them when they play the age card; "I am not your mate"
I laugh inside because crankiness and moodiness is what they feed on the plate
No one can help them at this rate
I don't see them...I act non-challant with them
Once I spot you are filled with drama, I am not inclined to attend your show
Life is filled with a lot of people who just love arguments -
The only thing they are good at...trying to play holier than thou
Life is filled with a lot of toxic people but you have a choice
A choice to attend their party or close the door behind you
The moment they start speaking ill of others to you, get ready
Get ready because a day it would be your turn and they will keep it steady
Everything is always wrong with everyone except themselves
Like a lantern that can see everywhere except it's own base
You are filled with drama and toxicity, sorry but not sorry, I don't see you
You always stir up drama with nothing else to offer, I don't see you
You don't see good in others and you mostly highlight your own goodness, I still don't see you
Because I would rather have others speak of your praise
Than to have you sound your horn because you want to appear noble

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today; doctor's order.


Avoiding people like this is quite important because they have nothing to offer. The poem speaks deeply about protecting our mental health, the inner us from the negativity flying around the world.

It's all about protecting your mental space my brother. It's real but most people don't take it serious and allow negativity to eat them away.

The consequences is ours in the end so protecting our mental health shouldn't be something to gamble about.

Exactly, my brother. We are all we have got...if we don't take care of it...no one else will.

Negativity is everywhere sir, guiding our heart should be a priority. We must not give room for those poisonous tongues that has nothing to do than to destroy others.

Thanks for opening our mind to this important teaching.

I'm glad it helps. A lot of people don't allow their mental health to be of topmost importance. We need to guard and guide our circle or space.

It should be our priorities, nothing should interfere with it.


Bad energy I zoom zoom zoom...e get reason why that guy sang that song o. It's important to protect your mental state because there are different people in this world who would go any length to mess us up.

Hahaha I love that song too. Bad energy...far away from me. We don't have to entertain it at all.

It is important to protect you own oo, your mental health first. Since you can stop humans from being so negative, it is better be 1000 miles away from their negativity.

Absolutely... We can't stop them from being negative but we can decide who we allow into our space. It's very important.

Great message, usually one knows who transmits his negativity just by saying hello, the world is full of that, we must try at all costs to get out of that kind of people like that, the mind is the main engine of all but we must strengthen the mind so that it does not alter our rhythm of life, thanks for this great writing ☺

The world is full of negative people. They don't see anything good...they fuel drama and they like dragging others down. It's best to stay away from them.

Of course it is my friend, the farther away from them the better because we can get contaminated by it xD

Absolutely...it's easy to get contaminated by toxicity...the farther it is, the better it is for us. Thank you, brother.

Walking away from those kinds of people is the smartest way for us to ♥

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BEERHey @joseitosanchezs, here is a little bit of from @isnochys for you. Enjoy it!

Do you want to win SOME BEER together with your friends and draw the BEERKING.

A lot of toxic people know how to play the victim, they make you appear as the offender before the eyes of others. Holier than thou as you rightly said. I try so much to keep such people out of my space, although I give them the benefit of the doubt initially, I keep off once I realized that they have no intention of amending their ways.

You nailed it...they like playing the victim card and that's one of the many traits I have noticed. It's best to stay away and wish them well.

We always need to guide our heart from every spell of negativity because negative thoughts attract negativity and positive thoughts attract positivity

That's it...we need to guide our heart away from negativity at the mere sight or wimp of it.

This poem is actually teaching us to focus on our lives and not to listen to gossip, or those who sneak into other people's private lives just to get stories to tell about. Life is actually full of fake people, just be mindful of who you call your friend.

Absolutely spot on. Life is full of negative people who would go through any length to bring us down. We need to select those in our circle of influence.

This your message remind me 02 and exactly this is really him. People who have negative mindset to others, and if you check their life, they always turn around the roundabout. Like you said, choice is ours. Thank you mentor

The choice is always ours and we can choose who we allow in our space. Life is about choices and not sentiments or emotions. We need to guide our space.

Good to see you here, brother.

Yeah. Thank you boss mi

I love the rhymes in this poem bro.
In life, a lot of humans are hypocrites, toxic ones. They play saints in light and sinners in the dark.
We know them.
But it is only safe to flee from such people to avoid getting oneself into the dangers the exude.
They are everywhere.
Easy to identify by being intentional.
It's a cold world

They are everywhere...easy to spot...never hard to miss. We have to move far away from them and guard ourselves...that's the most important.