Story lovers, please come in here. Been a while here and i really miss a lot, Glad am back

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Oh how I miss my mother. I remember the day she died, I sat beside her on her hospital bed holding her fragile hand and looking into her weak eyes.
I knew my mother won't survive her illness, her weakness alone was enough proof. My mother was a strong woman who could work 16 hours out of 24 hours in a day without fatigue.

She wasn't only strong but brave and strict and seeing her so fragile told me she wasn't gonna survive but deep down I wish she could survive, I wished I had the power to keep her alive. I was just a teenager and needed motherly advise more than anything.
I couldn't imagine a life without a mother.

Becky... My mother called.

Her voice so soft that it was almost inaudible. I fought back a sigh.

Yes mum, I replied.

What did I always tell you? She asked.

You told me many things, you have given me many advises and I can't list them, I replied.
I mean the word I repeated most, she replied.

You always said "I'm air", I replied.

Yes that's it. I've repeated the words many times and I'm sure you were tired of hearing it. Now I will it explain it to you, she said..

I'm listening mum, I said and used my palm to wipe my face.

In the world we have three elements which are : Fire, water and air. Fire is strong, it can bring down the biggest building to just a tiny stone. water is stronger than fire, It can extinguish even the mightiest fire. Water can bring down a whole nation with all the buildings and people in it. Water can create way and enter anywhere it wishes to enter.

Wrath of fire can be stopped by a mortal but no mortal can stop the wrath of water. Both water and fire are strong but air, it is the strongest of them all. Fire and water needs air, air is everywhere. Nothing survives without air. Wrath of air can destroy the whole world.

My daughter, I see and feel air in you, my mother explained.

I looked at my mother wishing I understood what she said.

Air is everywhere as you said. You are feeling the air around, I said.

No daughter, I'm feeling the element in you, mum replied.

I shook my head. My mum is sick and is not unusual for sick people to speak in parables.

One day you will have to use your element and save lives, I'm telling you this so you won't use it with wrath because you will destroy and not save....

I heard my mum breath heavily and felt her hand went cold.

I knew my mum was death. I felt a strong emptiness inside my heart but I didn't cry.

Even on her funeral, I didn't shed a single tears. I was almost depressed but not a single tears rolled down my cheeks...

EPISODE ONE STARTING TOMORROW... Believe me you will enjoy it.

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