IT WAS ALL FOR LOVEβ€οΈβ€οΈπŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’•πŸ’•

in The City of Neoxian β€’ 2 years ago (edited)



LoveπŸ€”πŸ™„πŸ€”πŸ€”, when I think of the most commonly used word love, i get reminded of her each and every time it happens and whenever I think about her, I appreciate the word love because she was literally the first person who showed me love and most importantly she made me feel loved and with her around me almost all the time, I learnt how to love just like the way she loved me...

You all might be wondering how this happened or if it's possible in the first place, well you might not understand my words now but if you have ever been in my shoes then you will surely understand where those words came from...

The next person who showed me love was her after my family, even when we are not related, she showed me love and I fell in love with her because I love the kind of love she showed me, it was pure, beautiful, wonderful, tender and sweet, she didn't only teach me how to love, she also taught me the true and indepth meaning of love and I came to understand the word love and how to love better...


What is love to me??, love means to sacrifice, to tolerate, to be understanding, and to be patient towards other person or people, the ability to express and exercise these few qualities is the definition of love to me...

She had all these qualities and many more, she was always caring, active, loving and supportive in all ways, most importantly she was there for me when I needed her the most and that made me love her the more until she left me to a far place where we can't cross path again but the love she showed me kept me going because it was sincere and pure and I hope one day we will cross path again until then I wish her well wherever she is❀️❀️❀️...

This love story started many years ago but I think it was one sided love though, I wouldn't call it one sided love because she also loved me but I think it was more like a platonic love for her but for me I was deeply in love with her back then, I meant I was head over heels for her but she saw me as something else which made me suppress my feelings for her in order to not ruin the close and strong bond we had...



I liked her from the very first day I saw her, she was slim, brilliant, tall, feisty, nice and most importantly she was beautiful but she was my senior in high school back then and I am sure she was older than me when it come to age wise...

Along the line she and I built a strong bond and connection and after all this I fell in love with her the more, funny enough a lot of people saw my feelings because it was obvious including her friends but she never spoke about it since I didn't mention it but I am sure she knew how I felt back then and I realized if I had told how I felt back then I would have lost her because she wouldn't want to date a junior of hers...

She wouldn't even be able to talk to me again because she is very disciplined and cultured and all these things keep drawing me closer to her that it became hard to stay away from her...


It got to a point where I wish we stayed close because I wanted to be seeing her everyday, you should see me on weekend lol, I pray to God that a new week should begin soon all because I just want to see her and talk to her again because not talking to her on Saturday and Sunday felt like a millennium to me...

All this got better and stronger when I added her on social media, I meant facebook, there were times we chatted till 12.30am the next day, sometimes I call her to tease her lol, I literally come online just to read her message and whenever I see the green active bar, I feel very happy because that signifies she is active and from there we talk for hours until she falls asleep...

There were time we fought over silly things and because of how I felt for her I go to her to apologize or I talk to her friend to apologize to her for me before it all get settled out, I was just to attached to her because she deserved it and most importantly she makes me happy, anytime she is angry with me, I am always sad until she talks or smile at me before I get better...



As time goes on, I realized there was no way for the kind relationship I was expecting from her and I remember love means letting go at times and gradually I started accepting the fact that the chance of us happening is slim and even if it were to happen, it will probably be after high school lol...

I started giving up on my romantic feeling for her, I decided to make it a platonic love but guess what lol, it was too hard for me and I decided to keep my love to myself and cherish it for as long as I can...

She was my first love though to be honest but I guess it is what it is, you all might be wondering what was so special about her that made me stuck to her so much lol...


Well only I know and understand how special she was, she had different talents, gifts and qualities as a lady, she was caring, nice, understanding, tolerating, hard working, free spirited, lovely, beautiful, tall, chocolate skinned, serious, jovial, pure, soft and sweet, there are more of the qualities she posses as a lady which made me attracted to her...

My understanding of love includes letting go when i think there is no way she and I are happening but at the same time maintaining a good and pure relationship with her for life was the best option, I realized we couldn't be more and I decided to share that same platonic love with her to make us stay together for a long time and it happened the way I wanted it, most importantly she was happy and I was happy because she was happy and that means I found my happiness in her happiness which is crazy...

She is special to me in different ways but one thing that stood out in her was her kind and accommodating spirit, she accepted me and also my friends which other seniors can't do, because of this I had to keep my friends in check of never crossing the line with her because it would be a pain in her heart if my friends disrespect her...



She had a lot of distinguishing character and qualities, she was loved by many and not just by me and that made her very popular and most importantly she was brilliant and intelligent...

In summary, I guess we were not destined to be together, but she was special to me because she loved me sincerely and also cared about me and my needs, always checking up on me like her little brother and that made me hold her dear to my heart the more...

In conclusion, I can never forget about her because she has contributed a lot to the me you see now and I am very happy I had her back then because she encouraged and stood by me through thick and thin and I will forever cherish those beautiful moments...




Posted using Neoxian City

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Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 143 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

Aww, so beautiful. Funny how i was in a somewhat similar situation in primary school lol. Do you still talk to her?

For some time but lost her contact along with the way😊....

Go find her bro

Heheheh in the village πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚, I don't know her location lol but now I have someone looking after me heheh

O.O then go get the one after you

Ohhh yeah we together now bro β€οΈπŸ˜‚

Telling her how you felt wouldn't have made you lose her if you did so maturely. But then I think you lost her already in your head with the thought of her not loving you back before losing her physically.

Lol agba awo love guru lol... Thanks for stopping by bro

love guru kΓ© If you know how many times Dem show me shege...... It was so sad u didn't get to experience the shege part of her lol.

Lol hehehe bad guy lol

Abi na you bad pass.....πŸ˜‚

I am a very happy person and I am very grateful to you for the love you have.
No doubt that if it is true with the passing of the years you will thank you, the opportunities should not be missedgreetings @quduus1