Animated GIF creations by ME, in last month (from 5th of September to 4th of October) "29th Edition"

in The City of Neoxian2 years ago

Hi there lovely and creative people of Hive World,
Hope you all are fine and having an awesome day

Its 29th Edition of my "Animated GIF Creations by me of my Own Drawings".
This month I did hard work 😄 and made 10 GIF blogs, where most of those are GIF scene of my hand drawings for #splinterlands art contest

This week biggest work is GIF work on Mr. Dragon (Mr. Neoxian) Splinterlands character GIF 🐲🐲
And GIF scene of policeman and another HIVE related footer GIF image and much more...


It was 2019, December when I got an idea to share whole month gif work in a blog named it with edition, and now I am sharing 29th edition 🙏

You can check all previous Edition blogs below...

  1. GIF month Nov/Dec
  2. GIF month Dec/Jan
  3. GIF month Jan/Feb
  4. GIF month Feb/Mar
  5. GIF month Mar/Apr
  6. GIF month Apr/May
  7. GIF month May/Jun
  8. GIF month Jun/Jul
  9. GIF month Jul/Aug
  10. GIF month Aug/Sep
  11. GIF month Sep/Oct
  12. GIF month Oct/Nov
  13. GIF month Nov/Dec
  14. GIF month Dec/Jan
  15. GIF month Jan/Feb
  16. GIF month Feb/March
  17. GIF month March/Apr
  18. GIF month Apr/May
  19. GIF month May/Jun
  20. GIF month June/July
  21. GIF month July/Sep
  22. GIF month Sep2021/Jan2022
  23. GIF month Jan/Feb
  24. GIF month Feb/April
  25. GIF month April/June
  26. GIF month June/July
  27. GIF month July/Aug
  28. GIF month Aug/Sep

Now its time to check Animated Gifs in 29th edition 😌
I am sharing the post link with the GIF Images so you can visit those old blogs as well 😇

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Hope You like it,
Clicking Here. Any one of you can use these images where ever you want, and you can also find still images/drawing blogs on Post links I shared with every GIF IMAGE. And you can also find some of my GIF/Drawings on #nftshowroom. Visit my Gallery there by

Also Invites you to check my Gallery at Opensea

Thanks for the Visit


Posted using Neoxian City


@shrazi this is really amazing, your GIF so far has been top notch, I must commend your great effort in putting this together. Good job uncle, don't mind any negative comment keep up the good work boss.

Thanks Sholex for your visit and appreciation words 😁

You're always welcome uncle.

Wow these are top-notch and wonder collections of design you made, I must confess you did an excellent job.

Keep up the good work.

Thanks Vickoly for appreciation 😍

You're welcome Uncle.

You have a talent creating GIFs. Thanks for sharing.

Thanks Mr. Bob Caine

These are really amazing .gifs
I wonder how you made them, especially the motion aspect. It surprises me.

The one that amazes me the most is the gif that looks like a hand drawn arr work, and then it is moving... 😅😅 how possible?

This is great and so creative
I love them

Thanks for appreciation, hehe yeah those hand drawings...
I draw character in pieces, and so easy to animate for me, hehe

Thanks again and have a nice day

Very creative work! Nice one!

Thanks Mr. Steve Hodl for appreciation 😊

Wow! very cool. Nice work! !hivebits

Thanks Jay Latour for appreciation

Great work.

Thanks Mr. Steve Graham 😁

Very creative.
This is amazing.
Good one dear.

Thanks Jmis101 for your visit and appreciation
Have a nice day!

You are welcome

Great work, @shrazi


Thanks Mr. John Novak 😊

Wonderful, very original and nice work .
I am always in admiration in front of your art.
Nice weekend, hugs ;)

thanks Misschance for the visit and for appreciation

This is why i like his art, being a child as an adult is so hard, so theres big merits on what he does everytime i see his art my inside child feels joy, try to reproduce his art, I'm sure you cant!

Thanks Mr. Tito 😊

you can't even digest one person's work and thinking about 3 billion people? haha you are funny hahah thanks for the joke of the day :P XD

You surely contribute a lot on hive, world is doomed, sheeps are the majority and they are obedient, nothing to do, go to a country with less sheep and more freedom!

are you sure you are a man, all i see is a sadist

If you call this childish, lolz you are coming at a whole CITY, you are not just calling a man childish but a city childish..
BENEATH the drawings and creation, I see time, energy, sweats, talent, dedication and commitment in it, all this are just to create something spectacular and Inspirational to everyone..

This is raw and pure talent and it deserves a standing ovation and a round of applause..
Nice one @shrazi Bhai, you rock...

Wow Thank you very much Foxy for your love and appreciation 😁

can you make gifs? I can't so clearly it's not childish art for me lolz it's funny how people are entitled to judge other people's hard work.

and what are you doing for mankind? nothing so i would say the same Shut up lolz man you are pretty rude and i assume you are tired of your life. Go get a life. Live and let others live in peace.

You cant even save yourself with your mental health
I don't like negativity but you forced me to say that

You are nothing but a piece of shit
Showing your face aah who knows you are using others idendity

Your act also not according to your words

You and your comments and maybe everything is totally crap

I know, i cant stop you. Go on...

I can only ignore yoy.

HEHE Ronronron, first of all thanks for the visit
and I feel sorry if you feel bad seeing childish drawings/GIFs
But I still like to watch cartoons, and draw and animate some cartoon characters.. (childish)

And I really tried to draw something else, but the end result I saw still looks childish... so its not in my hand...

Post Link

HEHE just take it as fun or ignore it 😅
Thanks again for your visit and true comment

have a nice day!

Shrazi is an amazing artist and we love his work just the way it is.

You refuse to behave like an adult. You do not love yourself but poison yourself and the planet.

Oh and how do you know all this?

more of itwe love @sharzi art work and we want to see more of it. great work shrazi. even though it is childish to some people, it is very important to us.

Thanks meatless Lion 😇

You Dumbo! Full of confusion, strife and misery!

You don't deserve my attention!

What have you gained by turning a whole community against yourself?


Lol. Very funny! Drawing and animating cartoon characters is childish? Obviously you know nothing about art. And what if he is being childish? So what?! That is the best way for him to express his art and we love his artworks like that.

@shrazi is A very talented person, one of the most talented persons I’ve seen on this blockchain.

I don't think i've ever encountered anyone as backwards minded as you. Get a life, cause clearly you don't have one, to be hurling dumb accusations at people

If you don't like his art just stop seeing this. I did not understand why you said bad words to uncle. You have right to dislike his art but you can not criticize to his work. If someone said your blog are rubbish then how will you feel it? This is just an example and I am not talking your posts are rubbish.
You need to behave yourself properly. Think before your talk and you write.

Wish your bad days will be over soon.

 2 years ago  

I do hope you are joking because Shrazi is an amazing artist.

WOWOWO Mr. Dragon is here 😍😍 Thank you Very much Sir, for appreciation 🙏

 2 years ago  

Hello troll, you just kissed your Hive career goodbye.

 2 years ago  

Well that's fine, I'm glad you don't care about money, because you are not making any. Also I have no idea how randomly insulting people is "making love" or doing anything productive to make the world better. You are a joke. Enjoy have a negative reputation because there is where I am taking you.