Apply to be Live Streamer for DragonMaster game

in The City of Neoxian9 months ago

▶️ Watch on 3Speak

Hi there lovely and creative people of Hive World,
Hope you all are fine and having a fine day.

I already shared about DragonMaster game and also shared videos (3speak) about it on my previous blogs. Few days ago, I find an opportunity to be a live streamer of this game. As I am not sure about going live etc. so I was little scared, but the Moderator encourage me and so I make my mind for it and also the USDT payment make my mind to do it HAHA.

Checking platform to Go Live:

Youtube is so famous but my experience wasn't good with it. I mostly try to skip Youtube in many other cases hehe. I also checked from Twitch but finally, I decided to go live from Facebook.

Things gone difficult at start :

I make my mind, and the cooperative Moderator helped me a lot.
He told me to go from facebook Page instead of my profile.
So I created a page and set all things, when I clicked for going live. It told me to wait for 60 days HEHE yes, there are policies to follow and we can't go live from 1st day huh.

So, I noticed that I am admin of some page that is not active at all. I contact to my friend and He agreed. So I spent hours to set that page (removed all previous posts, setting name, etc.)

FB live don't have much streaming option 😞 :

Faebook live is easy to start but Id doesn't have much option. You can share your screen or you can only share your camera, hmm but I need to share my mobile screen as well to show my game.

Now, I checked for third party software to mirror my mobile to my laptop. I tried with Airdroid (it was good) but at the end. I select a simple one CONNECT APP. And by searching streaming software here and there. I already have OBS STUDIO in my laptop haha.

Thanks to Mr. @wesphilbin, he told me about this years ago. It was for screen recording that time. But it work well to go live with setting up all your frames and also easy to manage things. Thanks again Mr. Wes Philbin 🤗 and Yes Thanks to #theTerminal community.

Finalize My Intro Clip :

So, I checked Test Broadcast and tried to post that haha but we can't do that... and I get it late. So I record my clip on OBS STUDIO and now I will share a post on my Facebook, after sharing that clip here.

I am not selected yet as streamer but Hope I will get this JOB.


Note :
I used OBS STUDIO for screen recording and this Clip is for my Facebook Page.
Page is about DragonMaster P2E mobile game.


Hope You like it,
Thanks for the Visit

▶️ 3Speak


you look like a great YouTuber uncle, you should do this more often😃

HAHA I looks like what I am... (a very simple and peaceful man 😂)
Thanks a lot Mr. Burl for appreciation, let see what I got...
Thanks again and have a wonderful day!

Hey, brother! I am glad you were able to get that OBS to work for you! I will admit... I would not have the slightest idea how to use it LOL. But it is good to see my sharing helped someone; that someone being youHiveThe Terminal or at the

HiveLive Discord Server.


! Also... don't forget the awesome abilities that our dear DEV @bambukah has created! Especially this one, that lets you connect your account, and provides a way for people to send you rewards! Here's that link: If you have any questions, feel free to reach out at

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Yes, it helped me and its not the one time.
You also shared animation software (Synfig) I am the laziest one but I checked that and that one is also a wonderful animation software.
I will definitely check HiveLive.
Thanks again Mr. Wes Philbin

Good Luck for your live Game streaming, I will try my best to be part of it

Thank you Thank you, Yes I need that haha 😁