It's indeed the best medicine of all. I was so devastated looking forward to a year without my garden. To others, it may seem strange how upset I was about it, but my garden is like my stress-free zone. The only place in the world where I don't overthink and can be spontaneous. My garden is my freedom, you could say. When I'm in there, I'm no longer the prisoner of my own thoughts, and I can just be me. I would have hated to have to spend this year without that. Fortunately, it will be different.
My girlfriend also promised me that she was willing to take care of the garden if I'm not up to it. Not a jungle, of course (in my hands, my garden is always a jungle, lol), but she offered to help me grow at least a couple of things. It's one of the things she doesn't really like, but she knows what it means to me. (And everything better than having to live with grumpy me all summer, probably, LMAO)
Thanks for joining again, @nikv
It's a pleasure as always
I'm sure you've read about the antidepressant effects of soil? Then there is the beauty of plants and the satisfaction of growing them. I can understand completely