Accumulating Assets from Splinterlads!
El mercado esta dando señales de que puede entrar en periodo de acumulacion y dejar al fin este periodo bajista que tanto no ha hecho sufrir. Hace varios meses vendi mis activos de splinterlands porque presentia que la bajada aun le quedaba y que seria para largo, con la intencion de empezar a acumular de nuevo cuando creyese conveniente! En ese momento fue la mejor decision que tome ya que lo vendi por mucho mas de lo que estaba ahora, lo inverti y lo multiplique mientras esperaba el momento para empezar a comprar de nuevo y creo que ese momento ha llegado!
The market is showing signs that it may enter a period of accumulation and finally leave this bearish period that has made us suffer so much. Several months ago I sold my splinterlands assets because I had a feeling that the downturn was still there and that it would be for a long time, with the intention of starting to accumulate again when I thought it was convenient! At that time it was the best decision I made as I sold it for much more than it was now, I invested and multiplied it while waiting for the time to start buying again and I think that time has come!
Hemos tenido un ultimo año bastante duro, de hecho creo que 2023 sera duro de igual manera pero es un gran consuelo tener un piso, prefiero que entremos en una etapa de acumulacion larga a que el mercado en general siga cayendo, Splinterlands no se ha salvado y aunque por un tiempo aguanto respecto al mercado en los ultimos meses ha caido en picada de una manera estrepitosa y hemos visto un exodo masivo de jugadores, en fin, en su mayoria malas noticias! Pero confio que eso muy pronto va a cambiar, porque a pesar de todo el equipo de Splinterlands no ha parado de trabajar, no ha parado de construir el ecosistema y ha intentado por todos los medios posibles favorecer a la economia y cuidarla, vemos un equipo muy compro metido y vemos como tambien han creado nuevos juegos y nuevas mecanicas!
We have had a pretty tough last year, in fact I think that 2023 will be tough in the same way but it is a great comfort to have a floor, I prefer that we enter a stage of long accumulation to the market in general continue to fall, Splinterlands has not been saved and although for a while it has endured with respect to the market in recent months has plummeted in a resounding way and we have seen a massive exodus of players, in short, mostly bad news! But I trust that this will soon change, because despite all the Splinterlands team has not stopped working, has not stopped building the ecosystem and has tried by all possible means to favor the economy and take care of it, we see a very committed team and we see how they have also created new games and new mechanics!
Con tantas buenas señales y viendo todo lo que se construye a pesar de las circunstacias creo que es buen momento para empezar a acumular activos de Splinterlands! Y eso es lo que he empezado a hacer poco a poco, voy a armar un mazo de cartas y tambien voy acumular la mayor cantidad de SPS y DEC posibles creo que ambas monedas van a ser impactas positivamente en caso de que el mercado se recupere y ademas van a haber juegos nuevos en los que las monedas se van a poder utilizar! Lo mas seguro es que tambien juegue Genesis League ya que algo me gusta el futbol! En este post voy a mostrarle 3 packs que compre, generalmente compro cartas sueltas y me parece mejor asi pero quise comprar 3 packs en esta oportunidad y probar mi suerte!
With so many good signals and seeing all that is being built despite the circumstances I think it's a good time to start accumulating Splinterlands assets! And that's what I've started to do little by little, I'm going to build a deck of cards and I'm also going to accumulate as much SPS and DEC as possible I think both currencies will be positively impacted in case the market recovers and also there will be new games in which the coins will be able to be used! I will most likely play Genesis League as well since I like soccer somewhat! In this post I am going to show you 3 packs that I bought, usually I buy single cards and I find it better this way but I wanted to buy 3 packs this time and try my luck!
No tengo mucha suerte abriendo packs, la verdad nunca he abierto un pack en mi vida en el que me salga algo realmente valioso o lo mejor, no aconsejo comprar packs, mejor compren en el market, aunque de vez en cuando no hace daño, es bastante emocionante! Y Splinterlands explota ese lado lo mas posible, el diseño de los packs es hermoso, las cartas son hermosas, la animacion al abrir un pack es espectacular!!! Realmente hacen que sea una experiencia super envolvente!
I don't have much luck opening packs, the truth is I've never opened a pack in my life in which I get something really valuable or the best, I do not advise buying packs, better buy in the market, although once in a while it doesn't hurt, it's quite exciting! And Splinterlands exploits that side as much as possible, the design of the packs is beautiful, the cards are beautiful, the animation when you open a pack is spectacular!!!! They really make it a super immersive experience!
Me dispongo a abrir mi primer pack, me disfruto la animacion espectacular, es el unico momento en el que no quito la musica de Splinterlands, la actual no me gusta me parece super invasiva. Aunque ahora mismo a veces se atraviesa en la apertura de packs, ojala acomoden eso!
I'm about to open my first pack, I enjoy the spectacular animation, it's the only time I don't remove the Splinterlands music, I don't like the current one, I find it super invasive. Although right now sometimes it gets in the way in the opening of packs, I hope they can accommodate that!
Esto es a lo que me refiero! Miren el diseño de esas cartas, es una hermosura! El diseño que mas me gusta son las cartas de UNTAMED, este de CHAOS LEGION no esta nada mal! Lo otro es que al poner el cursor encima puedes ver que rareza te puede tocar, aunque siempre minimo habra una rara que brilla con color azul, estan las epicas que tienen un brillo morado y estan las legendarias que tienen ese brillo dorado hermoso que es emocionante ver!
This is what I'm talking about! Look at the design of these cards, it's beautiful! The design I like the most are the UNTAMED cards, this CHAOS LEGION one is not bad at all! The other thing is that when you put the cursor over it you can see what rarity you can get, although there will always be at least one rare that glows blue, there are the epics that have a purple glow and there are the legendaries that have that beautiful golden glow that is exciting to see!
Cada pack me salio en 2.45$ abro el primer pack en el que me salieron 3 raras y 2 comunes por el valor de 1.45$ en este pack perdi 1$ que no es tan malo, generalmente es peor!
Each pack cost me 2.45$ I opened the first pack in which I got 3 rare and 2 common for the value of 1.45$ in this pack I lost 1$ which is not so bad, it is usually worse!
Abro el segundo pack en el que me salieron 2 raras, uno de ellos un invocador y 3 comunes 2 de esas comunes fueron doradas! La verdad es un pack muy lindo de ver y ademas tiene un valor de 4.59$!!! Este pack me hizo ganar 2.14$ el anterior me dio perdida de 1$ asi que ahora estoy ganador 1.14$ y tengo muy lindas cartas!
I open the second pack in which I got 2 rares, one of them a summoner and 3 commons, 2 of those commons were golden! The truth is a very nice pack to see and also has a value of 4.59$!!!!! This pack made me win 2.14$ the previous one gave me a loss of 1$ so now I am winning 1.14$ and I have very nice cards!
Voy a abrir el tercero y me consigo con la sorpresa de que una de las cartas se pone a brillar dorado, una legendaria!!! Asi que me tomo mi tiempo imaginando si al fin despues de tanto tiempo me saldra algo bueno al abrir un pack!
I go to open the third one and I get the surprise that one of the cards starts to glow gold, a legendary!!!! So I take my time imagining if at last after so long I will get something good when I open a pack!
Pero no paso, no me salio una legendaria dorada, aunque soñar no cuesta nada! Abri el tercer pack y fue muy bueno porsupuesto ya al tener la legendaria me hizo ganadora aunque la verdad fuen una legendaria relativamente inutil! En este pack me salieron 4 comunes y la legendaria de muerte LIRA THE DARK ya estaba 1.14$ ganador y este pack cuesta 4.09$ sorprendentemente vale menos que el pack anterior porque realmente la legendaria que no tiene nada de legendaria nadie la quiere ni la usa! Salgo ganador 1,64$ asi que en total la apertura de packs sali ganador 2.78$ bastante bueno!!!
But it didn't happen, I didn't get a golden legendary, although dreaming doesn't cost anything! I opened the third pack and it was very good of course and having the legendary made me a winner although the truth was a relatively useless legendary! In this pack I got 4 common and the legendary of death LIRA THE DARK was already 1.14$ winner and this pack costs 4.09$ surprisingly worth less than the previous pack because really the legendary that has nothing legendary nobody wants it or use it! I win 1.64$ so in total the opening packs I won 2.78$ quite good!!!!!
Ademas de eso jugue una partida con las cartas que me acababan de salir en los packs, una partida que a simple vista parece que la voy a perder pero la gane con mucha autoridad!
Besides that I played a game with the cards that I just got in the packs, a game that at first glance it seems that I will lose but I won it with great authority!
👀 Watch the battle HERE
Gracias por tomarte el tiempo de pasar por mi post y leerlo!
Nunca es tarde para empezar a jugar el juego play to earn con mas trayectoria que hay en el espacio crypto! Si te llama la atencion el jugar splinterlands puedas registrarte AQUI Splinterlands tiene la comunidad mas grande de jugadores de P2E en el espacio crypto de hecho no me imagino un mejor momento para empezar a jugarlo que ahora mismo!
Todas las imagenes fueron creadas con canva por mi y utilice screenshots de la pagina de Splinterlands.
Hasta la proxima!
Thanks for taking the time to stop by my post and read it!
It's never too late to start playing the longest running play to earn game in crypto space! If you are interested in playing splinterlands you can register HERE Splinterlands has the largest community of P2E players in crypto space in fact I can't imagine a better time to start playing it than right now!
All images were created with canva by me and I used screenshots from the Splinterlands website.
See you next time!
Posted using Neoxian City
I said “You can't hurry love, you'll just have to wait...”
Credit: reddit
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Lol, and you got 3 rares 🤣
Reminds me of not buying packs for the purpose of opening - the edge is not on our side these days, maybe one day🤣
Yeah i end losing even getting 3 rares!!! I think is going to end well anyway...
Well anyway in the end you made a profit, as you say well, I prefer to buy from the market.
In any case, I agree that this is a good time to focus on Splinterlands and invest in it, accumulating Tokens in the future will certainly bear fruit.
Yeah we are in a good entry point, and i dont want to find myself betting against Splinterlands! Maybe crazy returns are not going to happen again, but i think is going to get a lot better than it is now!
Thanks for sharing! - Underlock#8573

I agree with your market predictions, although I'm not really good at all these, still learning so much at the same time.