The Mind is so cruel


The face is a window
A communicable secret
To the world at large
Mind is the secret in every creation
Created a world of untouchable fantasies
Everything is grown from the heart
Time is everything.

In the end time
It is written
The world might be in trouble
A good man seen as bad
A bad man seen as good
Showed the right path
So cruel world of isolation.

A communicable disease
Shutdown the whole world
The evil doer of this world
God is watching you
Are you the doer of this world
Tasted happiness but look like sadness
All happened in the whole world.

The human mind
Legitimately wicked
Some are goodness
Some are corrupted
Others are great minds
Since the beginning
Man fell deeply in wickedness.
Determined to do only good!

Posted via | The City of Neoxian