About two years after I graduated from the university, I was scrolling through the WhatsApp group of my university set, and I stumbled upon some devastating news: apparently a coursemate of mine had been shot multiple times by the police because he was mistaken for someone else while on his way to our alma mater to get his certificate. Reading the news made me have a grip of regrets envelop me because I had dreamt about that incident a month prior but did nothing about it even though I saw his face clearly in my dream. I was having a feeling of guilt and wondering what would have happened if I had warned him. Would I have changed anything? Regretfully, I learned the painful lesson of the weight of unspoken premonitions.
Fast forward to a year after that incident, around October 2016, I had another dream, just like the last one. This one also unsettled me; it was a dream about my childhood friend, a woman I've always admired and wished for her kind of marriage. In my dream, I saw her trapped in a turbulent marriage, one where she endures endless misunderstanding with her husband. But despite all the abuses she faced in those dreams, she never once raised her voice against him until one fateful day, when out of frustration, she snapped and spoke back at him, a span that was unleashed from years of suppressing her emotions. Unfortunately for her, instead of reinstating peace, her words fueled his rage, and what followed was horrifying, because he began to strike her repeatedly until she lay lifeless on the floor.
Frightened by what happened in the dream, I swiftly woke up in a cold sweat, shaken and disturbed, but unlike before, I knew I wouldn't want to ignore this dream. I mean, I know most times when I have a dream and remember it, it usually comes to pass. The new dilemma is how I'll tell her, It was difficult to relay such a message to her because everything I know about her contradicted what I saw in my dream; on social media, the way she painted the picture of her marriage shows it's a blissful one, and the same is the case each time we communicate; she has never once hinted that her family is facing any form of problem. All of this awareness made me wonder if my dream was a mere illusion, but then, given the last experience, I knew for a fact that I couldn't afford to overlook this.
So for about two months, I was struggling with myself if I should tell her about my dream or not; eventually, I summoned the courage to reach out, and when I did, I chose my words wisely, recounting my dreams and hoping she'll dismiss it with laughter and reassurance that such isn't happening in her family; however, what she said next sent shivers down my spine.
She literally broke down in tears and then revealed the dark reality of her perfect facade, telling me how her marriage is the direct opposite of what I see online and how she's been enduring constant abuse and maltreatment from her husband, emotionally, physically, and psychologically. She talked about how she's been suppressing her pain and hoping things will change for years. But nothing did, and lastly, she went on to tell me about how she had vowed to confront him the next time he tried such with her because she had had enough, but listening to my dreams, she couldn't help but acknowledge that this was a message from God to prevent her from what would have been her ultimate end I saw in my dream, and so she rethinks her decision.
After our conversation, I tried as much as possible to advise her like I would my sister, but then I know I don't have valuable experience in marriage to advise her. So I encouraged her to seek professional guidance, letting her know that what she's facing isn't ideal to be faced alone and that marriage is meant to be enjoyed, not endured. After that particular day, I tried as much as possible to reach out to her and encourage her, and about two months after that, I learned she made a difficult decision to leave. After which she called to thank me, but I felt a mix of emotions; I wasn't happy over her marriage ending and the likeliness that my dream was the reason it did, but then I was relieved that she had escaped what would have been a tragic fate.
It's been eight years since that incident of my dream and it leading to her leaving her marriage; presently she has remarried and is enjoying every bit of her new home, even though I still wrestle with the thought of whether my dream played a part in breaking her home, but one thing I usually use to console myself is the fact that I'd rather live with the weight of that than with an unbearable regret of staying silent and watching her lose her life.
All photos are taken and edited on canva.
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You did a good thing, I would say, and it wasn't your fault you dreamt such dream which makes her leave her marriage; it was clearly a message to her through you so she wouldn't end her life miserably in the hands of someone who abused her.
At least you didn't keep this to yourself like the first one and you wouldn't want such thing to happen the second time.
This is why it's good to speak out on time before it's too late. You might not know how to confront the said person but there would be someone you can talk to to help relay such message to them.
Yea that's a good way to look at the situation, even though I wasn't happy it ended her marriage, seeing it saves her life and she has been happily married in her new marriage for the last four years or so makes me feel less guilty.
Watching your dream become a reality must be a scary thing when the end result is negative. Your motivation to tell the lady is an understandable one. As you learnt, her portrayal of her life was false. She chose to leave her marriage - you were only the dreamer. Your dream resonated with her and she acted on it. Her actions are not your responsibility.
Oh that's a great way to look at it and I must say I feel more comfortable looking at it that way, as her actions are her own decision.
Thissss, is inspiring, despite all those difficulties, you still acted up to save your friends life. Am sure you don't feel guilty, you actually helped saved her life.
And this is great.
Thanks for sharing.
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Don't know about the interesting,but then it's indeed a way of saving a life.
Alright sir.
I still can't understand why people try to give the wrong impression of what is hurting them badly, she must have hidden her marriage ordeal so well.
It's understandable that you feel your dream influenced her decision to end her marriage but always erase that thought with the fact that she could have lost her life or endured what shouldn't be endured.
Thankfully, she's married again and in a better situation thanks to you. I'm sure she would remember how God used you for a long time.
I actually don't even know what to say about why people hide the truth or concealed it from others when though they're hurt.
No vickoly, you don't need to feel bad about her decision . I.mean, you didn't ask her to leave the marriage, it was her choice... afterall she confirmed your dream. I am wondering why she should be faking her life on social media claiming that all was fine
Oh well that's true, let's just say maybe due to what the society will do.
There's nothing to feel bad about. I mean, you saved a life irrespective of how it played out In reality. What matters is the end result. When you said that she is enjoying herself now, that brought a smile to my face because that is what marriage should be like and you learning that she's doing better than before should boost your morale.
If she were your biological sister, I'm sure you would have looked for ways to beat up that so called husband that was maltreating your sister.
So this was a good thing you did. Better the marriage break than her life be lost forever.
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It must have been hard for you to decide whether to tell her or not, but in the end, you helped save her life. Sometimes, dreams are warnings, and I believe you did the right thing by speaking up. I understand why you feel mixed emotions, but her safety and happiness matter more. This is why it's good to speak up before it's too late, you really did good by telling her about the dream.
Oh wow you dream it's very concerning 😟😳. And I understand your frustrations but you did all what you could do so. Time will say I hope everything will be ok with her 🙏🏽💜
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