Thanks so much, sir, for speaking the minds of many. It's such a disheartening sight to behold watching how people are being judged, stereotyped, harassed, and even called names for slight mistakes or rules that aren't obvious.
I strongly agree with the act of "hive watcher" in making the hive blockchain a place where only original content can be found and not giving room for plagiarism and the like.
But for this current judgment of AI-generated content, it seems unjust. Please don't get me wrong, but if at all a rule will stand or a judgment will be in place for certain things, then there should at least be a stated warming or announcement of the new development. I learned someone published a related post, but we can't expect everyone to see that (given the fact that over 100 pieces of content are published in a single day).
If it were possible, an article should be written to address the new development and the rules attached to it by the hive watchers themselves, or at least a circular should be sent in the form of a comment under everyone's post. That way, everyone will get to be aware and refrain from indulging, and whoever continues after such will definitely deserve whatever punishment is served, but ongoing punishment seems unjust for those who aren't aware.
Aside from the ongoing AI-generated content issue, the bee issues with hive watcher are ones I followed for a while, and on and off until now I've not seen a tangible reason why it drags on: because obviously she provided every requirement being asked, until the same one was being asked over and over again.
Well, I'll rest my case here, but I don't think this is good for a space that was said to be decentralized and free of censorship, and yet what we see is that there's freedom of speech, but freedom after speech isn't guaranteed.
NB: I use quillbot grammar checker features to correct some of my grammatical and punctuation errors in order not to be misunderstood.