The myth of goal setting !!

in The City of Neoxian3 years ago

There's no need to explain why goal setting is necessary. And I guess we all do fix some long and short term goals in our life. But the problem is there are many myths which lead us to believe in some sort of thing and create a barrier to achieve the goal. Let me explain and you can relate to it too.



When we decide to achieve anything, suppose it's a GPA in your college, we make it fixed. We make it our destination. When there can be many other things happens which will lead us to not capable of achieving any particular goal. This behavior makes us fragile. It's very necessary to understand if we are following the myths too and how they are impacting on ou life!

Goals are our life. But actually our life is bigger than everything. When we fail to achieve that goal, we broke down, we cry, we become disappointed. If we can shift our focus from just achieving the goal rather than working on other parts of life our life would be easier.

Goals are fixed and can't be changed. Nope, they should not. As life goes, our goals can also change. It's okay if you don't want to be a painter anymore if you quit your job as an engineer. Make the goal flexible and it will help you adopt with life.

We have to follow a particular pattern to achieve our goal. Where we all are different, our life is different, so there is no particular pattern actually. You can readjust the way you want to achieve your goals.

I suppose now you can understand, achieve goals without believing these myths makes lots of sense. Always believe in you and don't make it hard form you. We are very powerful to achieve anything. Just need the proper guideline and understand what makes us not achieving our goals.

I hope this gonna help you!