Did you ever hear about this phase? Every single good thing we do, no matter how big or small it is makes a positive impact. A single act of kindness can make anyone feel better, it also counts. If you don't have anything to share, just smile. Make others smile, spread love, and compassion. It helps to reduce hatred on the other side also.
We have the key in our hand to make others' life as well as ours better. The question is, are we aware or not about this and do we know how to do that? Well, you don't have to put much effort to improve life, just a little intentional effort is enough.
Showing an act of kindness doesn't always require any cost. So we don't have to worry much, right? I and you also can make a hundred list on how we can show kindness. It can literally be anything like a hug, a simple thank you, help a family person, seeing a lonely friend, feeding a stray dog and the list goes on. You see, it's just a way to show we love and care. It may not sound much, but it gradually makes us a better person, an optimistic person full of positive energy.
never let a day fo without smiling, without spreading love. It helps to make the world a better place and on the other hand, we become a more sensible human being with a big heart full of love and peace of mind!
One of the factors I try to utilize every day in my life is Action, which means not only identifying situations where I can provide service or utility, but actually making the effort to do so. It's difficult to notice something and be the one to take action, but just as you put it, even just a smile to a stranger can make all the difference.
I love this piece. It's motivational, inspirational and
only if we can apply it practically, it would be okay