Take Individual actions to fight Climate Change !!

in The City of Neoxian3 years ago

It may sound silly to fight individually against climate change. But there are plenty of things an individual can do to improve the climate change condition. And, I say that we need to act individually first to make a change. Every action counts no matter if it's positive or negative. And that's why every individual action, big and small adds up to make a big positive change.



I'm gonna give some hint which can help us to decide what individual action we must take!

  • Using renewable and cleaner source of energy.
  • Making a difference by changing our diet.
  • Making an impact as a customer.
  • Choose environmentally friendly alternatives.

There's a debate that every other alternative which can help improve the climate change condition cost much like renewable energy or paper straw. But there are actually many other ways we can help and take action from our individual level. For me, I always think to make a different choice during shopping or driving and everyday life. Yeah, it's not always possible like choosing public transport. But we can try.

Think about how your single shopping habit or driving habit can make a difference. Like choosing vegetables over the meat, cycling over a car as a transport sometimes ie. If 10 out of 100 stars to make the decision it will create an impact. And that's how it's possible to make a difference.

It's not possible to change everything we used to or have to. I know. But we can consider having a more green and healthy environment, at least. We can start a balcony garden or even indoor planting. It may sound crazy to make an impact this way. So, try to influence others by your action and choice. And people will understand how important it is to even take a small step from our individual level to make a positive change!


big acts to protect the planet and I urge you to also think and spread the word about the importance of electing good authorities. Kisses.Thank you @ZEESH for your motivating words, of course you have to try, but the ones that carry the most weight are always the political and social actors, such as companies. Just as you have to make an effort in it, you have to make one to choose our rulers and others well, the destiny of all of us and of Nature depends largely on them -and not because of them, but because they are the ones who have greater power to act. It happens that the majority follows their particular interests or they do not notice it, but just as there are people like you who are interested in the good of the planet, we should be more interested in choosing our authorities, there are always good people like you, we just have to know how to choose someone just who can bring us together and organize so that, for example, the planet is on the agenda. Your advice was very useful to me, I'm going to buy a bicycle as soon as I can, although I also really like walking. I wish you the best of luck in your small

grandes actos para proteger el planeta y te insto a que también pienses y corras la voz sobre lo importante de elegir buenas autoridades. Besos.Gracias @ZEESH por tus motivadoras palabras, por supuesto que hay que intentarlo, pero siempre los que mayor peso tienen son los actores políticos y sociales, como las empresas. Así como hay que hacer un esfuerzo en ello, hay que hacer uno en elegir bien a nuestros gobernantes y demás, de ellos depende en gran parte el destino de todos nosotros y de la Naturaleza -y no por ellos, sino porque son los que tienen mayor poder para actuar-. Ocurre que la mayoría sigue sus intereses particulares o en ello no reparan, pero así como hay personas como tú que se interesan por el bien del planeta, debemos interesarnos más por elegir a nuestras autoridades, siempre hay gente buena como tú, sólo debemos saber elegir a alguien justo que nos pueda reunir y organizar de modo de que, por ejemplo, el planeta este en agenda. Me resultaron muy útiles tus consejos, yo en cuanto pueda me voy a comprar una bicicleta, aunque también me gusta mucho caminar. Te deseo mucha suerte en tus pequeños